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Socialism at its Best – How to Destroy the Wealth of a Nation

COMMENT:  Marty, You know there is tax competition amongst states and cities in Switzerland which lead to great results once in terms of efficiency and therefore attracting people to take their families and move to states with lower taxation. Often quite outside of the metropoles so also helping to populate remote parts of the country. […]

China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw this headline yesterday and thought I would forward it to you! If you ever needed assurance that China was following the model (which I know […]

Understanding Russia

I have clients on every continent and traveled just about everywhere. What I have learned is to understand the people of any nation, you simply have to (1) know its background and history, and (2) its language. The combination of these two elements allow you reach the all critical comprehension of their thinking process for […]

NASA Funded Study says Civilization WIll Collapse

  Apocalypse Now A reader passed this on for comment. NASA funded a study that is yet another Marxist-slanted product that says civilization will collapse because of the unequal distribution of wealth and the exploitation of natural resources. It is interesting that they state that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found […]

Monetary History of Ukraine

About 1500 BC nomadic tribes appeared on the territory of Ukraine. One of them was the Cimmerians (9th-8th–century BC), which are mentioned in written sources. Scythians, Iranian-speaking people from Central Asia, in the 7th century BC pushed the Cimmerians from the Ukrainian steppes. Around the same period, the Greeks began to establish the first colonies […]

Ukraine – the Truth

I seem to be well read around the globe. If there is one position I am consistent on is that I have NEVER met with any government that is honest or for the people regardless of its declared stance – it is always about their own self-interest. Governments, of every variety, are only interested in […]

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly stated that the deflation was over and a major change in trend was at hand. I watched you forecast the takeover boom and I was shocked by your […]

Events in Crimea – Yanukovych & His Sons Are in Russia

Now Crimean protesters stormed the building of the Crimean Supreme Council. It is here where we are seeing great conflict. There are pro-Russian activists and also Crimean Tatars whose number is a lot greater than the pro-Russians. In the square in front of the Supreme Council (Parliament) building there was about 2,000 Tatars and their number […]


The Right to Privacy GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT, 381 US 479 (1965) Syllabus Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as accessories for giving married persons information and medical advice on how to prevent conception and, following examination, prescribing a contraceptive device or […]

The Flight to Quality Still = Bonds

For all the rantings about hyperinflation and the demise of the dollar as the reserve currency, the fallacy of this constant preaching is quite plain and straight forward. WHERE DOES MONEY GO IN THE ALTERNATIVE? While the gold promoters tell you it is only gold, after the German Hyperinflation the new currency was backed by […]