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Market Talk — December 29, 2015

Despite the low volume, we saw a positive rally across Asian equities with all markets closing around 0.5% or higher. The PBOC set the yuan rate at 6.486, the lowest since mid-2011, but marginally weaker than yesterday. In Europe, markets moved ahead with the DAX, FTSE, and CAC all closing higher by around 2%, the […]

Stock Market vs. Currency Inflation

QUESTION: Hello Marty Great conference! If the EM Debt implodes wouldnt the stock markets of those counties rise?? If the stocks from the EM markets did rise would they rise faster than the decline in their currency to the USD?? Thanks CW ANSWER: Yes. Normally we experience currency inflation, which is the rise in assets […]

Stocks vs. Economic Growth – What Relationship?

QUESTION: Did you contradict yourself when you said a higher dollar will weaken US economy? Then you said interest rates will make stocks rise? ANSWER: No. What you have to grasp here is that the stock market can rise for two entirely different reasons and it depends upon the mix of trends. 1) The normal market […]


First of all, someone is claiming that I put out some recommendation on DUST. I have NEVER recommended such an ETF and this appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead people. You can search this blog; I have never made any recommendation involving any specific ETF. The motive behind this scam is curious to say […]

Armstrong Named Forex Person of the Year

FXStreet has named Martin Armstrong the Forex Person of the Year for his 2015 forecasts on currencies. Quoting from an interview: “We will see the same crisis hit the Swiss franc peg to the euro. Devaluations take place BECAUSE currencies must be fluid.”

Cameron Selling out Britain? Pound to Fall to 55 cents?

There is little doubt that David Cameron offered a referendum on Britain exiting the European Union (EU) because he thought it would never win. Now that the polls are in favor of exiting the EU, thank God Maggie is not around to watch what her Conservative Party is doing these days. Politicians have always been […]

EU May Drop Visa Requirement for Ukraine

The ongoing dramatic events in Ukraine have demonstrated, once again, the high commitment of Maidan protesters and the citizens of Ukraine to become more closely integrated with the European Union. Ukraine now faces immense challenges in terms of democratic transition. Territorial integrity and constitutional stability are major issues on the table in Ukraine. While USA […]

EU Summit Disaster — "Another Victory Like That, and We Have Lost"

Merkel has to be saying to herself, “Another victory like that, and we have lost.” She may have made TIME’s Person of the Year, however, so did Adolf Hitler in 1938. It is not a position of prestige for great achievements, but rather the person who has had the most influence that year whether it was good […]

Bank of Italy Bails Out Four Banks

The European banking crisis is brewing. Last month alone, the Bank of Italy poured €3.6 billion euros into Banca Marche, Banca Etruria (PEL.MI), CariChieti, and CariFeto to prevent their collapse. The money was funded by financing from healthy banks. This is precisely how the banking crisis began in Austria back in 1931. They took a […]

Market Talk — December 16, 2015

An impressive performance overnight in Asia as we saw the Nikkei back above the 19k level with the 20k psychological target as the next barrier. Europe wanted to soldier on upwards but doing so ahead of the Fed’s announcement is a hesitant trading period. Most dealers were on hold, awaiting this evening’s announcement, and although […]