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Trudeau Will Freeze the Bank Accounts of All Protestors

Desperate and unwilling to speak directly to the truckers, Justin Trudeau is now vowing to freeze the personal and business bank accounts of those involved in the Freedom Convoy. Trudeau is drunk with power and passed the emergency order despite the premiers of Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta stating it is an unnecessary move. Only […]

Market Talk – February 15, 2021

ASIA: Singapore is committed to reopening its economy and borders to the rest of the world, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on Monday. The continued opening of the vaccinated travel lanes (VTLs) for quarantine-free travel with more than 20 countries despite the global surge in Covid-19 cases reflects this commitment, he said. Mr […]

NYC falls into Pandemonium

New York City is no longer a place to admire. A friend went to see a play and was constantly harassed to pull their mask up after every drink. He wrote that he has decided to move and never return. Another friend was there, saw a man being robbed at gunpoint across the street in […]

Schwab’s Admiration for Lenin

I can verify that this photo going around of Schwab with a statue of Lenin on his bookshelf is genuine. He really does have that in his office. This is based upon first-hand knowledge, not speculation or rumor. Let me explain something very important for those who do not know their Russian history. Following the […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2021

  ASIA: The Bank of Japan made an offer for unlimited government bond purchases Monday, moving to curb a surge in long-term interest rates in the world’s third-largest economy. Japan’s central bank set the interest rate for purchasing 10-year government bonds at 0.25%. The market rate had risen close to that level recently on speculation […]

Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Variant Was Forced to Lie About Severity

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, head of the South African Medical Association and one of the doctors who discovered omicron, admitted that she was pressured not to reveal the mildness of the variant. “I was told not to publicly state that it was a mild illness. I have been asked to refrain from making such statements and […]

Putin Has Won

In all honesty, Biden is the very last person you should put on the phone with Putin, who is clearly the most intelligent world leader on the stage today. The US is showing it is pathetic, incompetent, and barks but has no teeth. The West has clearly surrendered Ukraine to Russia. There is no way […]

Superbowl Ad Prices Reach All-Time High

The Cincinnati Bengals will face the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LVI. The biggest sporting event of the year in the US is also the most coveted advertising opportunity. Despite rising ad prices, NBC has managed to sell out all of its advertising space for the game. A 30-second commercial could cost upward of […]

The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level

QUESTION: Greetings! You have said “they” want the economy to turn down, this is their goal with all the lockdowns. So now you say that if the economy has a low after March it will mean a decline into 2023. Does this mean “they” are winning if this happens? C ANSWER: No. This is the […]

Market Talk – February 11, 2022

ASIA: The Reserve Bank of India’s monetary policy committee (MPC) stuck to its accommodative policy stance to help the economy recover from the pits of the pandemic, keeping the key lending rate at record lows on Thursday. As expected, the MPC held the lending rate, or the repo rate, at 4%. The RBI however, surprised […]