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The Age of Deflation & the Fed

It appears that many people are married to the idea that the Fed creates INFLATION by expanding the money supply. Sorry, it does not work that way. Others confuse the fact that interest rate increases are bearish and declines are bullish. All you need to do is look at Japan to see that did not work […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2015

With the exception of the bond sell-off yesterday, the markets behaved reasonably well – even in thin summer trading. This comes after Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart’s comments that the Fed is poised to raise rates. Today, we saw a mixed Asian session for equities with both the Nikkei and HSI ending with small gains (+0.45%) whilst the […]

July 2015 Closing

As we approach the month-end closing for July 2015, we have a minor monthly bearish reversal at 1155 followed by the key reversal at 1084. The Bullish stands at 1287, so without a closing above that level, nothing has changed. Crude oil had a monthly bearish reversal at 5650 and 4667. We fell intraday to 4668, […]

The Flight from Gold

To make a market peak in a phase transition, the 99% must be bullish. Likewise, to create the low, the 99% have to be bearish. This is simply the way markets function. Now we begin to see the bearishness rise in the precious metals because quite frankly, the gold promoters put out such total bullshit […]

Gold: The Pending Question

Gold Room Fort Knox QUESTION: Martin, With your recent comments on gold; you seem to be implicitly suggesting people to sell their gold, since there is a good chance for it to bottom-out at a sub-$1000 level. Wouldn’t it make far more sense to hold onto it at least till November? 1) We don’t know for […]

Market Talk – July 27, 2015

Asia saw a dramatic 8.5% collapse today, and London began their session today looking at Asia. European futures were all obviously lower and did not look back from the open. The U.S. session accelerated the fall that strengthened the recent flight to quality by helping to cement the ultimate peak in government debt in short-term rates. […]

The Flight From Gold – A Fall From Grace

Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest tale by raising unrealistic high hopes for China as their savior as they were buying gold and would use it to back their currency. They tout that […]

Market Talk – July 25, 2015

Commodities and their currencies continued to suffer this past week to complete what has been probably the worst week in a very long time. Oil lost another 1% leaving TWI at $47.95, whilst Brent lost 1.5% last seen at $54.45. Natural Gas is still unable to show any signs of recovery and was last trading at […]

Market Talk – July 23, 2015

It has taken a while but today we saw the return of the sellers in the oil market. TWI and Brent both down around 1.7%, taking TWI to 48.25 last trade. Natural gas also took a beating, down almost 3% at 2.825. Gold did try to bounce and spent the majority of the day above 1100, but as […]

Gold – It Ain’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

The problem with gold has been the gold promoters who use sophistry to sell their product, convincing so many people to lose everything they invest. The hate mail has started again, claiming I am “bashing the gold bugs” as if this were a sport. Sadly, this illustrates how there will always be those who go down with […]