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Global Warming Conspriacy

  There is a major Global Warming Conspiracy that is threatening our entire way of life and is out to destroy the global economy. These sick and evil people are trying to launch lawsuits to put the oil industry out of business. They have absolutely no alternative to how the economy would function and they are […]

80% of Colombian Gold Production is Illegal

QUESTION: A friend of mine attended your WEC. He said he asked you at the cocktail party why gold was so cheap in South America. You said the drug cartels control the illegal gold mining in Columbia and that is now three times the size of the cocaine market. Did you really say that? PN […]

Everything About the Las Vegas Shooting Has Been a Lie?

  The Associated Press (AP) released the original PDF (Paddock autopsy) of Stephen Paddock’s autopsy results by linking to it in one of their articles last Friday on February 9, 2018. However, they quickly pulled it off the internet within an hour or two because it did not match the official report by the government. Paddock’s Time […]

Difference in Reports

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I am currently a subscriber to the investor level of Socrates & looking forward to the imminent (hopefully) release of the trader level. I am an avid follower of your blog and thanks to the information provided I was long the Dow from last year & intended to hold for the long […]

Understanding the Reversals

QUESTION: Martin, Last week, we had elected the weekly reversals at 24741.6 and 24395. Yesterday, we briefly recaptured, then re-lost those levels again. Do weekly reversals expire at the end of the week, expire once they are elected, or do they remain active from week to week? As always, thanks for all you do with your […]

Global Cooling Reducing Food Supply

What food is not hit by various Pandemic diseases, the weather seems to be wiping out the rest. In Germany, farmers have experienced 42% less crop in fruit in 2017 compared to 2016. According to the Federal Statistical Office, all crops are affected by drastic losses due to extreme cold. The reason is being attributed to the strong […]

Pandemic Can hit the Food Supply

We tend to think about a disease that infects humans or even animals that results in widespread crisis. However, what is also unfolding is a rise in a disease that infects the food supply. Wheat leaf rust is a fungal disease that affects wheat, barley and rye stems, leaves, and grains. This is now beginning to appear […]

The GMW for the Dow

Democrats in Conspiracy with Bureaucrats

QUESTION: Briefly, the National Security Agency discovered that the FBI and DOJ were abusing the surveillance system. As a favor of one security agency to another, NSA Director Adm. Rogers permitted the FBI and DOJ to rush to the FISA Court and confess their transgressions before the NSA informed the Court. The FBI and DOJ […]

Merkel & Schulz Under Tremendous Pressure in Germany

The politics in Germany remain in turmoil. The CDU leader Angela Merkel is being attacked from within her own party. The dissatisfaction concerning Merkel has engulfed the CDU base. It has reached at times outright seething rejection of Merkel. The future of the Union really hangs in the balance. The CDU party congress takes place on February 26, and […]