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Why Some People Can Break the Law and be Heroes

QUESTION: Any reason why Stormy Daniels has not been charged with blackmail? Why should her attorney not be indicted as a co-conspirator? ANSWER: This is the problem with the pretend Rule of Law – it does not exist. The courts allow selective prosecution for they claim that there must be prosecutorial discretion because they cannot possibly […]

Market Talk- August 23, 2018

With core China and the Hang Seng indices trading near their 52week lows, this is the direct opposite to core US indices that are making historic highs! Todays price action almost seemed typical of what we have seen over this past year. US markets are treading water at their highs, whilst Shanghai, Hang Seng, STI […]

Lanny Davis Makes it Clear The Prosecutor Wrote the Script & His Client Cohen Just Agreed – Not his Own Words

  Lanny Davis is the attorney representing Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. Here is a lesson in legal wordsmithing. This attorney Mr. Davis cleverly avoids any direct answer and the press does not even understand his answer. He specifically states that Cohen did not plead in his own word, that the prosecutors wrote the script to […]

Market Talk- August 22. 2018

Record highs achieved in the US session and so expectedly the Asia markets responded. The Nikkei was the leader, but interestingly not from the open! It took a while for sentiment to build, but the weakness of the Yen probably helped massage prices to close up +0.64%. The talk for this and the rest of […]

WEC Orlando November 16-17, 2018

This year’s World Economic Conference in Orlando will be the launchpad for what is to unfold as we move into 2020. We are holding it after the elections November 16-17 but as we move into the Pi Target on November 21st, which is typically most important politically. This has been the turning point marked 911 […]

Market Talk- August 20, 2018

  Japan was the outlier today after the majority produced a positive return. After an initial surge the Nikkei fell back into negative territory where it spent the rest of the day. Exporters, energy, base metals and banks fell victim to todays weakness and probably not helped by the Yen’s strength. In late US trading […]

Brunson – the Alleged Pastor

    The Turkish court has rejected the appeal to release Andrew Brunson, who is the alleged US pastor at the center of a dispute between Ankara and Washington. While he has been there for 23 years, his new Church of the Resurrection has existed for less than a year and it had only 25 members. From […]

Market Talk- August 17, 2018

Although we saw some small relief bounces in Asia, there are still many questions left unanswered. The Nikkei managed a 0.35% recovery, which was pretty much where it [played all day. The Yen is still acting as a store for safety and in late US trading we see it edging in the low 110’s, possibly […]

California Real Estate Peaks and Begin a Crash

California has joined the states with not just the highest taxes in America, but it has become one of those states that people are just leaving resulting i9n a net outward-migration. There is a logical consequence when a state becomes a place people are trying to flee from – real estate MUST decline in value. […]

Always Blame Your Enemy – Turkey is Endangering the Entire World Economy

COMMENT: Marty, On Aug 12/18 you wrote about “Iran and & Turkey Ripe for Revolution?” and in that blog, you mentioned … They will both turn toward Russia for help and portray their political crisis as a CIA plot. When watching the news the other night, I noticed this is exactly what Turkey is doing; […]