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Is it Alive?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you are probably the first pioneer in AI. My professor at … mentioned you often. My question is straight forward. Do you believe your system has evolved along the same path as the human mind and if so can it achieve self-awareness and perhaps consciousness? ANSWER: I take it the sudden rush […]

Saudis-Syria & Reserve Status of the Dollar

QUESTION: Your insight into the Saudi’s supplying the chemical weapons and arms to the Syrian Rebels long before anyone even had a hint of that was astonishing. I recently met someone in London who worked at your City Office. He said even Margaret Thatcher would ask you what was really going on in Russia. He […]

Gold Promoters Discover the World?

QUESTION: It seems some of the very people who use to interview you now suddenly pretend to be world analysts covering all markets. Everyone tries to mimic you yet ignore you. If people like this will not comprehend what you are doing, are they merely making the future much worse with their cheap imitation of […]

US Debt Default & China – A Matter of Sovereignty

The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has sent a clear message to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday. Li told him that for “China the issue of the American debt ceiling [is of] great attention”. His statements were published on the government website. These remarks, as short as they are, demonstrate that the financial […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong could you expand your analysis of this statement [STAGFLATION]. You indicate  that demand will decrease and cost will increase. Does this not all lead to lower or stagnant corporate earnings? Yet you expect higher asset prices including stocks. If equity ownership is a call on future earnings which are stagnant or declining […]

Gold Lending Could Stop in London

Many of the Goldbugs will be happy to hear that the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) says it might start charging member banks more or even dissolving the Gold Forward Offered Rates (GOFO) – the rate at which dealers will lend gold against US dollars – due to new financial market regulations. The push for regulation stems […]

Gold – The Next Leg

QUESTION: Been reading your writings for over twenty years, enjoying everything. Quick question, in regards to 2015.75 and the time frame for unrest, economic implosion and capital flow directional changes. Is this the time frame that gold will once again embark on a new up leg which will conclude in the famous and typical blow off phase ? Also, do you foresee a reset with a […]

Putin pens NYT op-ed urging ‘caution’ in Syria – Very Informative

Of course the American commentators are hurling nothing but insults at Putin for his Op-Ed in the New York Times. They dare to say with chemical weapons being used in Syria, he has no moral standing. Putin rightly points out that there is a serious casualty here and that will be the United Nations. “No […]

Lack of a Rule of Law Destroys Businesses

Small business is far too often the victim of nasty state tax collectors who seem to live to destroy jobs and businesses so they climb the ladder to get gold stars. New York State attacked the Melleadys who opened a Philly Pretzel franchise. The state tax collectors are free to interpret the laws any way they […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]