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Am I Certain About the Strong Dollar?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading your blog for over a year now. Your posts are a superb read and one of the first things I check every morning before leaving for work! Although I admire your work and writings a great deal, I’m sometimes surprised by the level of certainty you seem […]

Reality of the Dollar

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I understand the logic of the weakness / strength of currency that you outline from time to time in your modelling of the global crisis. You omit to explain the importance in the pace of change in the value of a currency; for instance Venezuela and Argentina according to your explanation […]

Market Talk- September 8th, 2017

Governments and central banks across the world are still concerned about the lack of inflation or significant growth and we saw evidence again in that today from the Japanese Q2 GDP release. Well below estimate of 4% this mornings release came in at 2.5%. Mario Draghi also commented on growth concerns in yesterdays ECB meeting […]

You Have A Due Process Right to be heard – Not that Judges Must Listen

QUESTION: Is there anyway the People have a remedy when the court is corrupt? ANSWER: No. The only remedy historically becomes a revolution. This is by no means restricted to the West. In China, the Judicial minister Chao Cuo (? – 154BC) who served under the previous emperor Ching-ti (Liu Ch’i)(157-141BC), earned the hatred of […]

DACA – one-size fits all?

COMMENT: I understand what you are saying about lumping everyone together under this DACA program. It looks like Trump heeded your warning despite the fact you say you do not advise Trump. Curious how this time seems he is listening to you as does China. What would you do if you were President? JH REPLY: If I was […]

Kim Jung Un’s Insane Quest for Power?

QUESTION: North Korea needs food. I believe we negotiated the Russian wheat deal in 1973. Would waving the prospect of food turn the North Koreans away from war. The condition would be that they deactivate their H bombs. CM ANSWER: What I tried to explain is Kim Jung Un’s perspective. One thing my father taught […]

The Insanity in Korea – But Is it Logical?

The South China Post reported that Chinese scientists fear that a mountain in North Korea under which the last five bombs detonated as tests, may collapse crumbling into a crater. They fear that the radiation underground would then leak across region. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the escalating crisis concerning North Korea’s weapons program is […]

Market Talk- September 5th, 2017

Am eager to get onto the US’s reaction to weekend events, so will just briefly say that China markets performed on the back of strong PMI data – the highest in three months (52.7 against a previous 51.5). RBA left rates unchanged. The remainder of the trading day focused on US markets reaction to the […]

Gold – Oil – Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the cocktail party in Hong Kong I am the one who asked you how China should proceed to make the yuan a reserve currency. You said the rule of law must first protect property and surprisingly you said to issue commodity contracts redeemable in gold. Well, everyone knows whatever you seem […]

Macron wants a Federal Budget for All of the Eurozone

French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron is coming out arguing for the total federalization of Europe proposing that there should be a budget for the Eurozone of hundreds of billions of euros. Macron’s position is that this budget should represent several points of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Eurozone. It should be possible, Macron said, to […]