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Time for a Change in Reasoning

I receive a lot of emails questioning how our forecasts can be so correct on everything, from gold and stocks, to politics and the economy. I have stated all along that EVERYTHING is connected. The reason people have been wrong on the metals, inflation, and debt is because they focus only on that one particular sector and […]

Understanding How Things Must Function

QUESTION: I can follow the reasoning for some of the capital flows into the U.S. now and a bit longer. But eventually much of this capital is going to leave the U.S. correct? Besides some off the grid investing, is China and Asia looking like the most promising economies to attract the future change in […]

2008 Forecast: NYC Will Be Under Water by June 2015 – Oops

Seven years ago, ABC News reported a dire forecast on global warming, claiming that scientists predicted that New York City would be under water by June 2015. Well, they also predicted gasoline would be over $9 a gallon and a carton of milk would be almost $13. Well, hope you didn’t have call options on oil, eggs, […]

Services & Pricing

We will soon release Phase One of Socrates this month as was demonstrated at the Solution Conference. Yes, it has taken longer than expected but we had to be sure the transition to the Web Access would work as seamlessly as possible. We will not be able to open up the ability to talk and […]

The European Bond Crash

The turmoil in the European bond market has demonstrated that the theory interest rates will not rise and are in control of central banks is dead wrong. Despite the ECB’s policy to buy in government debt to inject cash into the markets, one would think that the bonds would have a firm floor of support. The […]

China Tea Brick Money

Many have heard the saying: “I wouldn’t go there or do something for all the tea in China.”  While some assumed this referred to some huge quantity, it actually stems back in time to a value similar to gold or metal used for money. Where metal had some utility value, such as bronze, which could […]

Municipals Squeezed Between Feds & State

In response to questions from a major U.S. city and the debt crisis, I will not mention the names for this is sensitive and highly political. I have decided to address the question, which I would normally do privately, only because a lot of municipal governments are in trouble in many countries. The same problems […]

Gold – the Hedge Against Government

I have stated countless time that gold is NOT the hedge against inflation, hyperinflation, the anti-fiat antagonist against the dollar, or manipulation that keeps gold down; paper gold suppresses the price, and anything of the sort that amounts to promotions or excuses. Gold has followed the deflationary trend in commodities, if you haven’t paid attention to oil, […]

Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,” “gold is going to 5K,” and “gold has bottomed” and on an on. Your site is the only source of information that I trust anymore and thanks to you I […]

Real Estate – Hedge Against Economic Totalitarianism

QUESTION:  Martin, I live in the Intermountain West.  Our local real estate market has been in the toilet for years.  One local broker has noted that her office typically has two homes in sales process this time of year.  This spring they have twenty-two homes in process — eleven times the recent average.  I think […]