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January 2024

Believe it or not, on New Year’s Eve, we still celebrate the ancient Roman religion/myth of Janus, who presided over the beginning and end. So one face looked at the past and the other the coming new year. In fact, January is named after Janus. He also represented the beginning and end of the conflict. […]

Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?

Europe has laid the groundwork for World War III and the destruction of Europe as a whole, all to save its failed fiscal management of the economy. Using the Ukrainian war that the West instigated by promising democratic elections to the Donbas in BAD FAITH just for being Russian, the European Union Council adopted a 12th […]

Intel Invests $25 Billion in Israeli Manufacturing

Israel cannot lose the war. It is a vassal state created and funded by the West. Palestine’s allies simply cannot defeat the nations who have big plans for the future of Israel. We know about the nuclear power plant in Israel installed by the West to gain a stronghold on the Middle East. We know […]

The 1860 Election – Lincoln Was Also Left Off the Ballot

Did you know Abraham Lincoln was also absent from the ballot in 1860? Ten Southern states failed to issue ballots on behalf of the Republican candidate because he was opposed to slavery. When that was not enough to prevent a Lincoln victory, his opponents had him assassinated. Now back then political parties issued ballots across […]

Running for President?

COMMENT:  Hi Martin. You came to my attention via the documentary about your life and trials. It left me with the impression that you are very careful about what you do or say or make known in order to not really interfere. Things have to run their course, understood. Is it maybe time to harness […]

The GOP Backs Trump – Kennedy Warns of Civil War

Finally, the Republicans have come together as a party to condemn the absolute tyranny of current administration. The leading GOP candidates have put their criticisms aside to express their absolute disgust at the Colorado’s Supreme Court’s ruling to remove Trump from the ballot. No candidate was more outspoken in his disgust than Vivek Ramaswamy who […]

Colorado Supreme Court Violates the Constitution Itself – 4 Justices Should be Criminally Charged Now

  I took some time before posting about this decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, which is an all-Democrat-appointed court, because what I had to analyze was from a legal viewpoint and not partisan in any way. What these four Colorado justices, with their names in white, have done is in fact nothing shy of […]

Germany Deploys Troops to Lithuania

Germany is sending troops on a permanent deployment to a foreign nation for the first time since World War II. Germany had agreed to deploy troops to Lithuania back in June but did not set an official date for deployment at that time. Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas met with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius […]

The Second-Largest Contributor to US Private Debt

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s data shows that auto loans have surpassed student loans, becoming the second-largest debt burden for U.S. consumers. Auto loan debt has reached $1.582 trillion, exceeding the $1.569 trillion in student loan debt. This surge in auto loan debt is attributed to rising vehicle prices, leading consumers to take […]

Mike Pence Out of Presidential Race

Mike Pence has dropped out of the presidential race after receiving little support from his own party. Sunday must have been a sad day for the Neocons as no one craved war more than Mike Pence. Pence became the first candidate to visit Zelensky in Ukraine, offering unwavering support. “I have no doubt that if […]