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How Was the Elite so Wrong with Trump?

The primary issue that the elite has utterly failed to understand is that there was a sense of hope when Obama was elected president. People believed that as the first black president, he could really change everything. What everyone discovered was that Obama was a career politician. It does not matter what the race, creed, […]

Advice for Trump – How to Win 2020

The New York Post reported that an American student who could not find a job with their degree was forced to simply leave the country. If I were Trump, I would run on forgiving student loans at least partially and lay the blame where it all belongs – on the Clintons and their deal with […]

Dollar Contagion & Trump

President Trump just does not understand the dollar. This old school idea that lowering the currency will increase domestic jobs and exports sounds logical, but the value of any currency is determined by the level of international confidence. It is absurd to think you can lower interest rates and the dollar will decline to support […]

Advising Trump

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you deny advising Trump. Yet you are the only person who had forecast that the US was holding up the rest of the world economy which he also now says. You also said Trump was making a mistake with China, and at the G7 he admitted he may have made a mistake. […]

Bernie’s Bus Breaks Down but Trump Comes to the Rescue

Washington Post Praying for a Recession to Defeat Trump

It has become obvious that the mainstream press is FAKE NEWS. They are indeed out to get Trump and are using their position to desperately try to support the bureaucracy. The Washington Post has run a story stating Trump is wrong about the strength of the US economy. They claim his own advisors are warning […]

The Shift in Small Donations to Trump

There is a major shift taking place within the Republican party that has some people on the Hill taking notice. Traditionally, the Republicans have had the image that they are the party of the rich and corporations, despite the fact that the bankers would not donate to Trump in 2016 and it all went to […]

Economic Storm Trump Will be Blamed For Because of Bad Advisers

There is a very Dark Cloud hovering over the world economy and at the center of this cloud lies not just Europe, but Germany – the strongest economy holding up all of Europe. The German manufacturing sector is in freefall. Trump will be blamed calling this the result of his Trade War. It is probably […]

California Seeks to Ban Trump from Running in 2020

California is at war with Donald Trump. The state is currently involved in more than 40 lawsuits with the Trump administration on issues ranging from environmental regulation to immigration and safe cities. This is the problem with our legal system. Governments can pass any law they wish and then it is your obligation to prove […]

Sources say FBI Investigation into Trump’s Campaign Began Earlier than Previously Reported

Sources behind the curtain are talking about a real political war unfolding. While the Democrats are so desperate to impeach Trump on the prayer they can win the White House in 2020, behind the scenes the Justice Department is said to now be focusing on the original FBI investigation into potential collusion between members of […]