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The Polls Being Manipulated?

  We may be witnessing the manipulation of polls once again that show Biden way ahead of Trump as we did in 2016 in the USA and with BREXIT. This time it seems that the manipulation is taking place on Steriods. According to our models, the support for Republicans looking at the House & Senate […]

Market Talk – June 18, 2020

ASIA: China’s Oppo canceled the live online launch of its flagship smartphone in India on Wednesday after a border clash between the two countries that has renewed calls from local Indian trader groups to boycott Chinese goods. The clashes risk souring sentiment for big Chinese investors who were eyeing the Indian market and already faced […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2020

ASIA: India has conveyed to China the fact that the deadly clash in eastern Ladakh on Monday night will have “a serious impact” on relations between the two countries. Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar shared this with his counterpart in Beijing in a phone conversation today. Both sides agreed not to take “any action to escalate […]

Market Talk – June 16, 2020

ASIA: Beijing has reported 106 new infections in the last five days. The city raised its alert level from Level 3 to Level 2 — the highest alert being Level 1 — the Beijing government’s Deputy Secretary Chen Bei announced in a press conference Tuesday night. Fearing the possibility of another outbreak, Beijing has imposed […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2020

ASIA: Beijing is reintroducing strict lockdown measures and rolling out mass testing after a fresh cluster of novel coronavirus cases emerged from the city’s largest wholesale food market, sparking fears of a resurgence of the deadly outbreak. The Chinese capital reported 36 new Covid-19 cases on Monday, bringing the total number to 79 since a […]

Market Talk – June 12, 2020

ASIA: Twitter has removed more than 170,000 accounts from its platform after the social media site found state-linked influence campaigns from China focusing on Hong Kong protests, Covid-19, and the US protests in relation to George Floyd. The company announced on Thursday that 23,750 core accounts, and 150,000 “amplifier” accounts that boosted the content posted […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2020

ASIA: China is warning its students to reconsider plans to study in Australia due to an increase in racist attacks as it steps up a campaign to punish Australia economically for supporting an international probe into coronavirus. The travel warning on Tuesday follows last week’s advice for Chinese tourists to stay away from Australia and […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2020

ASIA: China has said it will loosen restrictions on international air travel that were put in place to control coronavirus. The move came hours after the US pushed Beijing to allow US airlines to resume flights to the country. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said Zhao Lijian said the two sides had been in close communication […]

Cyclical v Linear Analysis Special Report $4.95

Learn the methodologies behind our system's accurate forecasts. Unlike academics who rely on simple linear progressions, our system incorporates history, science, and cyclical patterns to determine when an event will occur.

Cyclical v Linear Analysis

A lot of people have inquired as to how our Computer System has been so accurate in forecasts not just markets and economic booms & busts, but political like the Trump victory and Brexit to the latest that the Coronavirus would peak in April ideally the week of April 6th,2020 when scientists, they claimed, were forecasting it would last for 18 months of longer. This special report dives into the methodology of academics in  all fields other than physics who use the assumption that if the temperature rises by 0.1% last year, they extrapolate that out and project we will all die in 20 years because a 1.5 degree increase will destroy the planet.

All of these forecasts have been simple linear progressions which are absurd. This is like saying the Dow rose 1,000 points last years so it will do the same for the next 20 years. We all know that such forecast are a joke. Even the Wall Street Journal would never publish such a forecast. They published a cycle back in 1933. Nevertheless, we have politicians imposing regulations all based upon this analysis that is not just a joke, it is an outright fraud.

This report has gathered all these forecasts since the beginning of the 19th century that mean we should all be dead by now. Despite these forecasts always being wrong, the press continually prints them all the time. The United Nations said entire nations would be wiped out by 2000. I think the data is 2020 if I am correct and nobody manipulated the calendar.In 1932, they predicted the glaciers would melt and the water would rise to the 15th floor in New York City. You just can't make up this stuff.  This is the methodology being used by all of these academics and in disease, this is what Gates has been funding to change the world based upon total nonsense.

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