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Economic Growth – China wins hands down

When we look at REAL GDP growth on a city by city basis, the top five are all in China – Hefei, Baotou, Changchun, Anshan, and Dalian. It may surprise you, but the top two cities in the bottom five around the world at Miami and Las Vegas followed by Athens, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai. It […]

Asia South China Morning Post – May 7, 1998

South China Morning Post May 7, 1998 Japan “Key” to Global Rebound by Jake Lloyd-Smith Asia’s salvation lies in Japan, but the world’s second-largest economy must collapse before the region’s prospects will brighten, Princeton Economics International says. The global strategic adviser, which has no connection with the prestigious United States university, said international capital would […]


Monetary History of China   The monetary history of China extends back in time at least 3,000 years. At first, money was sea shells, namely the cowry shell during the Shang Dynasty. Barter was always a dominant means of exchange in China that remained largely an agrarian society. Merchants and moneylenders were not well regarded […]

Biden Steps Down – Kamala for President! Hay?

As expected, Biden has decided he will end his reelection campaign. This is really no surprise; this 81-year-old’s fitness for office and ability to defeat former president Donald Trump has obviously been a failed quest. He simply said: “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” adding, “And while […]

Why Trump’s Plea for Unity Will Fail

I watched Trump’s speech with the understanding of how when someone tries to kill you, and you survive, you emerge with a changed view. As I explained, you do lose your fear of death, which at first I thought was strange, but you also emerge with a stronger conviction of purpose. That is what I […]

Ursula Vows to Protect Taiwan – Trump Vows to Charge Them for Protection

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has vowed to support Taiwan in securing impudence from China if re-elected. “The Indo-Pacific has become a decisive region for the world’s future,” she noted, stating that Europe will work with South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to protect Taiwan. “This includes our collective efforts to deploy […]

The Highest NATO Contributor as a Percentage of GDP

Poland’s Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski announced that his nation plans to increase its NATO spending from 4% of GDP to 5% “because we are no longer in the era of eternal post-Cold War peace.” Sikorski admitted that Donald Trump was correct in stating that other NATO nations were failing to uphold their agreement. Trump famously […]

Neocons Usurping American Foreign Policy & Assassinations for Regime Change

I can tell you that when Regan was elected, the Republicans were beside themselves. When I asked: What’s the problem? They said: “You don’t understand!” They explained that they would have to “train” him because he was a “governor” and not one of them from the swamp. The Neocons tried their best to prevent Reagan […]

Hungary Ostracized by the European Union

The European Union is far from an actual union. Those at the top in Brussels make the decisions, and everyone is expected to adhere blindly. Viktor Orbán of Hungary has long fallen out of favor with the European Union for opposing the war in Ukraine. August is Hungary’s round to host the next EU summit, […]

Biden Deems Trump a Nazi Sympathizer 48 Hours After Assassination Attempt

The violent rhetoric of the left is unrelenting, even in delicate times. Less than 48 hours after the failed assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump, Joe Biden reiterated a long-disputed lie that Trump once praised neo-Nazis. I explained how the propaganda machine has not only demonized Trump, but his supporters as well. The civilized […]