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Opening Your Eyes or Remain as the Fool on the Hill

COMMENT: I just had to say thank you. I kept a copy of your private post What Are the Markets Telling Us? from FEBRUARY 24, 2024. Your model called for a high in January, the false move to retest support in February, and a resumption of the trend into April. You have taught me so […]

USDA: Straight White Male Farmers Will Receive Disaster Aid Last

Admiral Rachel Levine was appointed as the U.S. Public Health Service, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under Biden’s diversity cabinet. Levine has repeatedly warned that climate change disproportionately affects minorities. The US Department of Agriculture agrees and will begin prioritizing disaster aid to non-white Americans. A group of farmers […]

Decline in the Birthrate & Biden’s Agenda

Bill Gates’ dream of killing off half the population maybe coming true. The Gates Agenda began with his father and Planned Parenthood being put in minority areas to reduce the population based on race. Even Roe v Wade was cleverly used to tell women it was their BODY, THEIR RIGHT, to have an abortion. Justice […]

US Failing to Add 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs

I have already criticized the March jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The mainstream media is cheering the 303,000 position boost as proof that the American economy is on the right path. I noted in an earlier blog post that the number of part-time workers rose by 691,000 while the number […]

The Eclipse of ’24 – Good or Bad Omen?

  Since ancient times, eclipses and comets have been omens of good and bad events. The Babylonian priests saw the connection between geopolitical events on Earth and the movement of the stars in the heavens and gave birth to astrology. But they also could see the cycles in everything and were rather good at predicting […]

Biden’s Dictatorship – Why Executive Orders are Unconstitutional

These are just a few of the onslaught of Executive Orders Bidens signed within hours of entering the White House. He not only opened the border to the flood of illegal aliens that are now getting free healthcare and tax-free money and housing that Americans are not entitled to, but he immediately went to deal […]

Blinken Pushing Ukraine into NATO to Start WWIII

  Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken knows that Ukraine is about to fall, so he is pushing that to hell with the rules; NATO must accept Ukraine now so that they can declare World War […]

The Progress on National EV Charging Stations

Governments globally are in a rush to transition away from fossil fuels. The US government threw $7.5 billion at the fabricated problem in 2022 to build a network of  EV charging stations. The Infrastructure Law of November 2021 promised to build half a million charging stations throughout the nation by 2030. So, how is the […]

Neocon Super PAC Urges Trump’s Assassination

    The Lincoln Pact is the neocon Super Pac championed by Liz Cheney that has two objectives: 1) continue all endless wars, and 2) eliminate Donald Trump. The group grew in their demands after Nikki Haley ungracefully bowed out of the election. This is not a Republican Super Pac as they have endorsed re-electing […]

Happy Transgender Day – Forget Easter

If anyone dares to question why the United States will break apart and separate, you must move to California. Biden has just declared Easter is really Transgender Day. He did not give us a memo on how to celebrate. I guess we do not have to hunt for eggs or give presents. So, I guess […]