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March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]

Cycles & Obama’s Tax-Free Bonds

COMMENT:  Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m basically a nobody except to my 5 children and wife (that’s all that matters to me anyway). I have limited market experience. The majority of experience I have is in business systems analysis, so making sense out of the global market was almost undoable […]

Gold & The Cycles

A number of questions have come in from is the Cycle Inversion negating the low in 2014  Or is verdict still out? There is nothing yet that suggests the low is in place. Corrections are 2 to 3 units of time and that means a max of 3 years from the intraday high in 2011 gives […]

Ukraine – The Flash Point for the Cycle of War?

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates how the real issue is the sheer corruption within government. The police are corrupt and are willing to kill their own citizens to preserve their privileged status. The President Viktor Yanukovych is effectively really Russian and cannot even speak proper Ukrainian. We may see this nation torn apart as civil war […]

Cycles of War – Guardian Asks is it Repeating?

Indeed, World War I does not erupt solely by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria. Resentment builds and you have to look for the subtle signs. In the case of World War I, it really began with old resentment dealing with the Christian;Muslim confrontation with the old Ottoman Empire. Even that goes back to […]

Euro – Cycle Inversion or Phase Transition

QUESTION: Martin In your latest post you go into very good detail of how the Euro continues to be strong(although it has been noted the model expected it to fall) and that when the Euro does fall it will take the European markets with it. Are we to assume that if the dollar does rally it […]

Super-Cycles How to Detect & Do they Exist

QUESTION & OBSERVATION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you so much for your public work. I was turned on to your work a few years ago while you were still writing prison newsletters. At the time I was still on the Goldbug / Conspiracy bandwagon, and your views were like a fresh of breath of fresh […]

Cycles in Demographics – Sex to no Sex (Free Love to No Love)

After every empire has peaked, there is a sharp decline in the birth and marriage rate. Part of this is caused by the lack of confidence in the economy. In Japan it has led to the lowest birthrate in their history with a shrinking population and tremendous problems of a lack of new workers to […]

Pattern Recognition Merging with Cycles – New Services

  We will be launching a new version of the Global Market Watch. We have increased the capacity for the computer to record patterns to increase the accuracy starting January 2nd. There will be two more pages added soon thereafter. The Second Page provides a detailed short history of that instrument as illustrated here on […]

Cycle of War – the 6th Wave

QUESTION: Does your volatility wave based on units of 6 also apply to the Cycle of War since your 8.6 year wave builds in intensity into 6 waves of 51.6 years? Thank you for all you provide. You do open minds. HC ANSWER: Absolutely. In fact, this is why I am concerned with this particular […]