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China Looking to Regulate Gold & Bitcoin

China has called all Bitcoin exchanges to a closed door meeting looking to shut down the flight of capital from China. China is looking to deal with the expected trade confrontation with Trump and looking to shut down the flow of capital that has been putting a downward pressure on their currency. We can see […]

Gold – Dow – & the Numbers

QUESTION: Marty; You gave the resistance in the Dow at 20,158 and it stopped at 20,155. Gold you gave a buy signal at the close of 2016. You give us specific numbers to reach for a bounce or a collapse. Gold is rallying now on claims that the latest run up is attributed to the uncertainty […]

Private Blog Update Dow & Gold

Private Blog Update for Dow & Gold

Silver the Key to a Sustainable Rally in Gold

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Is silver currently showing more strength than gold, and therefore likely to move beyond gold in this phase? I’m not a technician but it looks that way to me. Thank you for all you share. M ANSWER: Yes. This is one of the critical factors that must turn to signal a real […]

Private Blog Gold Update

Private Blog Update for Gold – February 6th, 2017

Gold Closed 1220.80

Private Blog Gold Update


Private Blog – Gold Update for Target Week of 16th

Private Blog – Gold Update for the Target Week of January 16th, 2017

Gold Bullion v Coins

QUESTION: Marty; Do you still see 2017 as the end in the decline in gold or 2018? Also, I think I now understand that coins are better than bullion for confiscation purposes. Right? ANSWER: We are starting to run out of time. We elected a minor Monthly Bullish of 1142 at the end of December, so […]

Private Blog Update for Gold