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There is Something Just Not Right – Papers Please!

QUESTION: Hello I think there is something wrong with the pattern when it comes to covid and the vaccines. It just do not add up. If the vaccines are about depopulation, then why does Gates vaccinate the people he would like to keep if he could choose? Why isn´t for example Africa the most vaccinated […]

People Blame the Federal Reserve & Never Politicians

Every now and again I get those stupid hate emails to blame the federal reserve and central banks for everything while NEVER once do they ever look at the history of central banks and how Congress has been manipulating the law changing the definition of what the Fed was even supposed to be. They do […]

Austria Order Unvaccinated to Home Imprisonment

  Forget the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. All rights are now irrelevant.  Austria has just ordered that all unvaccinated are to be imprisoned in their homes. In Britain, reliable sources in London are saying that it may be necessary to impose lockdowns regularly well into 2026. The Netherlands has returned to a partial […]

Welcome to the Revolution

  There are more and more songs coming out all about resistance is not futile. We have a wide variety of artists joining. I find it really insulting how the White House tells businesses not to comply with the courts. That is so outrageous and it is what you would expect from a revolutionary seeking […]

Have Some Democrats Lost their Mind?

Reliable sources have been warning for months that the extreme Democrats have been planning to impose mandatory vaccines to screw Independent and Republicans, for this has nothing to do with health anymore. The conservative Democrats are worried and they have been standing their ground, thank God, forcing Biden’s $3.5 trillion plan down to $1.5 trillion […]

Violence up 42% over 2019

A Conservative British lawmaker, a member of  Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Party, was stabbed several times while meeting his constituents at a church and has died. These politicians had better wake up. Following Klaus Schwab’s agenda for this Great Reset and deliberately destroying people’s lives to satisfy this insane academic lofty view of the world […]

The Global Corruption

COMMENT: Hi Martin I’m a Kiwi living in France with a French wife. We have chosen not to take the covid jabs and it’s been a bad week for us. On Monday we found out that New Zealand will no longer allow non citizens into the country without evidence of the covid jab. Both my […]

The New Age of Treason

The media calls it a conspiracy theory to even suggest that what is behind this Great Reset is Marxism. Well, the World Economic Forum, the bastion of modern feudalistic-Marxism where the elite get to keep their toys but nobody else, outright and openly says that Capitalism needs more Marxism.     The fact that mainstream […]

The Pawn of Finance – The Free Markets Now Get to Vote

This year’s World Economic Conference will be interesting. There is no need to talk about the Great Reset or vaccines, as we are confronted with a very unique economic situation. Quite frankly, I seriously doubt that those handling Biden have any idea of the consequences of their end game goals that will be unleashed on […]

Politician Claims God Gave us this Vaccine

  Blasphemy is generally defined as the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things, synonymous with irreverence and disrespect of God or Christ. According to Merriam-Webster, blasphemy is defined as “the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God. I do not think that God had anything […]