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The Price of Dying – Repeal the Estate Tax

They say the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. And taxes on dying if you’re in the US. That’s right, the luxury of death comes with a price in the land of the free, thanks to the death tax. Now, Republicans are working to introduce legislation that would allow Americans and their […]

The Student Loan Boycott

President Joe Biden promised student loan cancelation during his initial presidential campaign. This became a big selling point for one-issue voters strapped with debt, but Biden likely knew this was a promise he could not carry out. The Biden Administration made a dent in the student debt crisis by forgiving around $127 billion, which means […]

The Collapse in Confidence

QUESTION: Dear Martin – you often speak of CONFIDENCE in the government and there are many arrays you share that indicate confidence or lack thereof (Interest rates, Gold, Bonds, Indexes, Forex and others). All of these are open to interpretation by Socrates subscribers, and of course your respective, priceless commentary you share with us. What […]

Nikki Haley the Democrat’s Trojan Horse

  Tucker does an excellent job of exposing Nikki Haley. She is the Democrat’s Trojan Horse. They are trying desperately to put Trump in prison. This is the scuttlebutt after his Iowa victory, which shook the Democrats right to the core since they knew Biden was hopeless. But what most people do not know is […]

Hate Speech Imprisonment Coming to a Theater Near You

The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your loved ones jailed for the mere possession of memes, cartoons, or any content that could be deemed “hateful” unless you are a Neocon promoting hate speech to incite war with Russia. The Bill includes no definition of hate and is wide […]

Trump wins Iowa & Trump vs Michelle Obama

QUESTION: Trump won and is well over 50% in Iowa. How will they stop him? GF ANSWER: The plan is well-defined behind the curtain. Biden will take the arrows for all the illegal immigrants who will vote for the Democrats to keep power, then he will step aside, and the Party will insert Michelle Obama. […]

Elections Are Now the Threat to Democracy

  When Trump won in 2016, that is when it all started. Democracy suddenly became evil “populism” for how dare the people try to vote career politicians out of power. They began their hate campaign against Trump because they could not allow an outsider to upset their feeding troff. I was handling many calls back […]

Rigging the 2020 Election & Beyond

COMMENT #1: “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” “I don’t need you to get me elected.” Martin, please comment on how we overcome the blatant fraud this election cycle in November. Sincerely, Michael COMMENT #2: Martin, Regarding your recent blog posts on the […]

Colorado Supreme Court Violates the Constitution Itself – 4 Justices Should be Criminally Charged Now

  I took some time before posting about this decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, which is an all-Democrat-appointed court, because what I had to analyze was from a legal viewpoint and not partisan in any way. What these four Colorado justices, with their names in white, have done is in fact nothing shy of […]

Where to Hide – & What to Consider

QUESTION: Dear Martin and the team. Perhaps the chances are very low that this would somehow reach Martin. However, I would like to try to use “the power of the internet.” I have to try, so at least I am not blaming myself. I would like to ask a question and if somehow, possibly get […]