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Zelensky the Liar – He Will Be Remembered by History like Hitler

  At 8:18AM Zelensky on a video call to G20 leaders told them that Russia was a “terrorist state” among them and that the attack was deliberate by Russia and that the missiles were a “true statement brought by Russia for the G20 summit.” It is now confirmed that the missiles were fired by Ukraine. […]

Too Poor to Continue Living with Dignity – Canadian Eugenics

Canada is not hiding its depopulation and eugenics efforts. The Trudeau Administration recently expanded the MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) program to include those with treatable illnesses or those suffering from poverty. Almost anyone, including children, can request a medically assisted death in Canada with a quick turnaround. Families are unable to protect their loved […]

Market Talk – October 28, 2022

ASIA:   Core consumer prices in Japan’s capital, a leading indicator of nationwide figures, rose 3.4% in October from a year earlier, data showed on Friday, marking the fastest annual pace since 1989 in a sign of broadening inflationary pressure. The rise in the Tokyo core consumer price index (CPI), which excludes volatile fresh food […]

Market Talk – October 27, 2022

ASIA:   China’s consumer prices rose in September at their fastest pace in more than two years as pork prices climbed, the National Bureau of Statistics said last Friday. The consumer price index increased by 2.8% last month from a year ago, matching expectations from a Reuters poll. Much of the gains came from a […]

Market Talk – October 26, 2022

ASIA:   China has decided the status quo of Taiwan’s situation is no longer acceptable and has begun to ratchet up pressure on the self-governing island, including holding out the possibility of using force, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday. Speaking at an event organized by Bloomberg, Blinken said China had altered […]

Iranian Drones

The western alliance is not the only one providing military training. Iran has sent military members to Crimea to train Russian troops. Specifically, they are training them to use Iranian drones. There were reports of Russian troops visiting Iran in August to learn how to operate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Since then, there have been […]

Xi Appointed for Life Thanks to Biden

The United States under the Biden Administration appears to have done ABSOLUTELY everything they could to ensure that President Xi Jinping would be delivered a mandate to potentially rule for life as a major meeting wraps up in Beijing. With Biden claiming the US will defend Taiwan and Pelosi hopping on flights to Taiwan to […]

The Ukraine War is Really the Start of World War III

I have close personal friends on all sides of this Ukrainian nightmare — Kyiv, Donetsk, and Moscow. The Russian translation for the film on me, “The Forecaster,” was done by a Ukrainian Russian-Speaking person in Donetsk. I have listened to all the sides, and all I can say is that the hatred there is engrained […]

Denver Tests Basic Income on Homeless

Governments love to conduct social experiments on the masses. What would happen if we gave the most financially vulnerable in our population cash every month? The Denver Basic Income Project just approved a new general basic income program for a select number of homeless people who will now receive $1,000 per month in cash. The […]

Putin & October

  Despite all the propaganda that was put out by John McCain, Putin was selected by Yeltsin because he was being blackmailed on the one side by the oligarchs in July 1999 and the communists on the other who introduced a motion in the Duma to impeach him for corruption that was related to the […]