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We had a Meeting Today About the Traffic During a Panic into Socrates

The Socrates site where the results are posted is on the Amazon Cloud. We had an urgent meeting today to run analysis as for why the system could not hand the massive traffic to the site over the past two days. We found out that it was pushed to 97% CPU capacity. We have come […]

Cycle Extension – Inversion – 2021 or 2032?

QUESTION: Marty; Just wow. You called the day of the high and then said the market would make a new low yesterday, a directional change would take it back up and that was the low. I do not understand why the world is not knocking down your door. Then again, I guess they did that’s why […]

Forecasting the Event – Not the People

COMMENT: The Superbowl forecast is bigger than you think. I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for over 3 years now and your insights cured me of my gold buggery. Thank You again. The most important part of your Superbowl post in my opinion was the following: “The Triple Crown was a piece of cake […]

VIX Losses Feeding Collapse

QUESTION: I have heard first hand from some significant players that do speaking engagements for very large pension funds that a product was being offered to the pension funds as a yield enhancer that was based around selling the VIX.   First off, why would anyone trust a product that is being offered by a big […]

Socrates on the Dow as of Last Friday

  Socrates Analysis for the Dow Jones as of Last Friday – February 2nd, 2018 SOCRATES SUMMARY ANALYSIS THE ANALYSIS PERSPECTIVE AS OF THE CLOSE OF Fri. Feb. 2, 2018: Dow Jones Industrials closed today at 2552096 and is trading up about 3.24% for the year from last year’s closing of 2471922. Thus far, we […]

Superbowl Forecast

COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, wow. Just wow. I read the blog post on the Superbowl coming up. You casually interpreted the Eagles plus Player Foles as more eligible for a win – cyclically. Additionally, according to bookmakers – the majority was wrong (as it must be). You did not specifically point that out, but casually […]

Can Trump be Indicted or Impeached?

QUESTION: Can Mueller indict Trump? You seem to be astute when it comes to constitutional law. KE ANSWER: During the Clinton era, we had independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Because Starr was an independent counsel, the argument was that he could indict Bill Clinton. Because of that legal question, the statue which authorized the creation of independent counsel […]

Can the Stocks & Bonds Crash & Only Gold Rises?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I use to listen to the Goldbug analysts but they never change. Now the pitch is you have to protect your wealth from stock and bond market crash. They say that with the current equity bull market among the longest on record and the beginning of a bond bear market, once again they […]

Superbowl LII – Can a Model Ever Be Created?

  Well, Superbowl 52 is here and it promises to be the coldest one ever – no doubt caused by Global Warming.  Since Superbowls began in 1967, we are setting a new record. My daughter told many people at the conference how I had just flown back from Europe and she was in the hospital just […]

The Nature of Panics

I have been asked my “opinion” with respect to the existence of a Collective unconscious in terms of the Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961), who disagreed with Freud and believed his personal development was influenced by factors he felt were unrelated to sexuality. Nevertheless, Jung’s work has led to many considering it to be a form of […]