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IMF Criticizes Germany for its Chronic Trade Surplus?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know you say you do not advise the IMF. But whatever you write, they follow and repeat. So they are following your blog at least and they implement whatever you say. This is very curious. They are now saying that Germany’s export model economy is threatening the world economy. You were […]

Market Talk- August 8, 2018

The news mid afternoon that President Trump’s trade restrictions could be increased and a retaliatory Chinese tariff increase all coupled with latest China/US trade numbers turned most core indices. Following yesterdays strong Shanghai performance we saw some retracement of Tuesdays gains with the index closing down 1.25%. Although the Hang Seng index was also hit […]

Market Talk- August 7, 2018

No new headlines and a strong US market resulted in a positive day for Asia. Finally, we saw some bounce back in the Shanghai index after it has been weak for so long. Today’s 2.75% recovery is a start, but considering the YTD decline sits around -16%, there is still a fair way to go! […]

Understanding The Dollar Strength

  It is fascinating to watch how the bias in people just ensures not just that a sucker is born every minute to replace the one that wises-up, but there are suckers who never learn from experience and cling to their ideas no matter how much it costs them. The U.S. dollar has been climbing […]

Why Has the Magnitsky Film Been Banned in USA & Europe?

The Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes has been pulled from everywhere. You do not ban a film in Europe and the United States if it is wrong. This is perhaps a huge cover-up that goes really beyond comprehension. The film was funded by ZDF TV in Europe and they have the power to prevent it from […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says We Live in Hyper-Capitalism & Socialism Will Conquer the World?

The Democrats are counting on a new generation of Socialists who know even less about how things work than just about anyone else perhaps in history. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has had a viral campaign video that has pushed her into stardom. Clearly, she won because of the Trump Revolution which is all about just throw the career […]

CNN Confirmed Money Was Stolen from IMF

In the movie The Forecaster, I explained that they got Yeltsin to take money from the IMF loans and then they steered that wire through the Bank of New York. As soon as that wire hit, Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra, who was the MAJORITY shareholder of Hermitage Capital at that time, ran to […]

World Trade & Who Needs the Flash Cards?

  The Independent reported that an EU Official said that Juncker used ‘‘brightly coloured, simple flashcards” to explain trade to Trump during the meeting. The EU official said ‘each card had at most three figures about a specific topic. While these remarks are deeply offensive, what they really reveal is how much EU officials prefer to promote […]

Healthcare Reform

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, President Trump is claiming that he has come up with health care programs for employees that have lowered the cost below Obamacare. Do you think this is a true statement? Trump also claims he is coming up with even lower health care costs. Amazon, JPMorgan and Warren Buffet are creating healthcare services for […]

Is CNN Creating a Civil War?

COMMENT: From Europe, we are looking at your CNN and it really has become just propaganda and fake news. I was not a fan of Trump, but I have to say, he has done a great job probably better than any world leader. He has revised trade and has turned North Korea while your unemployment is now […]