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In Rotterdam You Have to Prove You Bought the Clothes You Wear

  We have another insane police tactic designed to again strip us of our right and clothing. The police in Rotterdam can now stop and question you based on if you are wearing expensive clothing. You have to prove you bought it and had the money to do so that was legal (paid taxes on it) […]

Cracking the Bull Market? Or Setting the Stage?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have followed you since the 1980s. I have never known you to ever miss an event like today. Thank you for showing the world how everything really is connected. Your system is truly amazing. DK REPLY: It is very gratifying that people are becoming students of the market. If we grasp […]

Nunes Memo is Out

  Nunes Memo Here is the Nunes memo the FBI and the Democrats did not want to be released. This confirmed that the FBI and Department of Justice abused their surveillance authority to target Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. This describes a criminal act on the part of the FBI – FRAUD UPON THE COURT. White House […]

2017 WEC Q&A Session with Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell of "MoneyTalks Radio"  sits down with Martin Armstrong for a candid discussion on the future of the global economy going into 2018.

Topics include:

Day 1
1)Public vs Private Wave   2)Bond Market & Interest Rates    3)Rise in the Dollar    4) Global Shifts in Economic Confidence

Day 2
1)Turning Point Factors   2)Interpreting the Panic Cycle    3) Markets in 2018    4) Pensions & Property Taxes 5)New Reserve Currency 6) The Coming Phase Transition

RUNTIME: 01:54:20


The Third & Fourth Reversal

Many have asked for some clarification on the Reversal System and how we use it to ascertain changes in real trend. As stated previously, trend changes ONLY on the Monthly Level of time. The Daily and Weekly levels are the noise. This is where most people lose their money trading because a correction may appear […]

The Pension Ponzi Scheme is Coming to an End

  Inevitably, all things must come to an end.  Our entire problem with government is we have ZERO accountability and ZERO qualification standards to even run for office. The Democrats have put forth blacks and women, not because of their abilities, but simply because they want to score votes. The latest proposal was to put […]

Jerome Powell – Next Fed Chair

QUESTION: Powell is from the Carlyle Group which people say you advised. Do you know Powell? What do you think of his agenda? Will you be advising him? PD ANSWER: No, I never met Jerome Powell. Our contacts with the Carlyle Group I am not at liberty to confirm or deny with regard to any […]

Why are We All So Confused?

The three major distinctions in following what we do boils down to Multidimensional analysis merged with TIME and then PRICE. The Arrays give us a good sense of TIME where things come into the window of possibility. Understanding that we are dealing with TURNING POINTS and not specific events is critical. For example, the three major turning […]

The Looming Debt Crisis Nobody Seems to Look At

Around the globe, we are approaching a monumental awakening as municipal governments see their borrowing costs rise dramatically with rising interest rates. This is unfolding in Europe, the USA, Canada, South America, Middle East, and Asia. In fact, S&P is predicting the first-ever default by a Chinese local government financing vehicle this year as LGFV borrowing costs […]

Are they Starting To Understand Everything is Connected in Nature?

Back in the 1980s, I flew to Toronto to do an institutional session. There was an earthquake that hit. I then flew to Vancouver to do another institutional session and another earthquake hit. I then flew to Tokyo and was hit by another earthquake during the session. I then flew to Australia and joked saying […]