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Why is Former Ambassador Refusing to be Questioned by Russians?

John McCain is one politician I have no respect for whatsoever. My opinion of him was formed before his war against Trump. His background many have viewed as a real traitor who sought to save himself compared to Snowden all the way to being of highly questionable character given he was responsible for the death of so […]

Magnitsky Act & the Cover-Up of Unprecedented Corruption

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I seem to recall that in your case HSBC had to plead guilty and paid back only $600 million because the difference in the notes in yen was your profit. Putin specifically mentioned that the $400 was stolen. That was you he was talking about. Then the $10 billion they wanted you […]

Market Talk- July 26, 2018

A mixed opening seen in Asia this morning which eventually turned into a down day given the lack of volume and positivity. Even though the US sent a confident tone, the after hours trading in Facebook unnerved many tech stocks. Facebook traded nearly 20% lower in futures terms after the Q2 revenue miss. It was […]

The Great Alignment on Schedule

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I’ve been revisiting your notes over and over, and it seems that the potential for a False Move is finally in the making, both in the Dow, Gold, Dollar, etc. You gave 2018 and 2020 as the key turning points for this to unfold, for the trading trap to suck people in, before […]

Market Talk- July 25, 2018

The late recovery in the DOW certainly offered a vote of confidence into Asia which benefited core Nikkei (+0.5%) and Hang Seng (+0.9%). Shanghai played plus and minus all day only to close almost unchanged as the Yuan saw a small recovery after recent declines. We saw a similar story in India where the SENSEX […]

Fake News & Their Conspiracy with the Deep State Exposed

QUESTION: Did the Deep State indict the Russians to sabotage the Trump Putin summit? The Daily News seems to be cheering World War III. What is going on? ANSWER: The Justice Department DELIBERATELY indicted Russians they can never put on trial and it was done days before the summit to intentionally disrupt it and set the […]

Another Banned Documentary Hidden from Americans Concerning Russia

The entire story in the Western Press has painted Trump as being some sort of puppet of Putin. The latest story is how the press is touting that Trump, Jr. said that the Magnitsky Act would be reconsidered if his father won. This story is plastered all over the press as in Newsweek and others […]

Until We Understand the Real Wealth of a Nation Progress Cannot be Achieved When We Try to Eliminate the Business Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you have any comment on the latest excuse for the decline in gold is because Trump is forcing it down so he can buy it up and move to gold-backed bonds like Nevada? This is the latest coming from the fringe which just seems so unrealistic any more. I am not […]

Market Talk- July 23, 2018

The market is again balancing the idea of whether or not the Yen is a safe-haven currency! Today, we saw a move back into the mid 110’s in an almost flight to quality run following weaker Nikkei, ASX etc. Japan was a bag of nerves today following the sell-off seen in JGB’s as 10yr rates […]

The Coins of the Siege of Masada 73AD

  The battle for Masada was necessary politically. The Judaean War was already declared to be a victory with the destruction of the Temple and conquest of Jerusalem in 70AD. Masada fell three years later in 73AD. The Roman governor of Judaea, Lucius Flavius Silva, headed the Roman legion X Fretensis and laid siege to Masada. The Tenth […]