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Currency Controls Are Here – Your Money is No Longer Yours

From JP Morgan: Due “to the new regulatory requirements you can no longer send foreign currency/foreign wires out of an individual brokerage account. Therefore, we will no longer be able to facilitate this for you unless the account is in entity name. This is all governed under the REG E (Dodd Frank) if you have […]

Detroit – The Map that we are ALL following

Detroit is an example of the entire financial crisis with regard to the state workers and their pensions. For every person that retires, the state replaces them and this is driving the cost of government up exponentially. Reuters reported that the investment banker dealing with the restructuring experience of the city, told the court “the […]

Ancient Coins As Investment

  A number of people have been inquiring about coins as an investment for parking money. Keep in mind that the best market for coins or stamps tend to be the country of origin. Thus, US coins will bring the highest prices in the USA just as German will bring the best price in Germany. […]

Obama Opposed Raising the Debt Ceiling in 2006

The Washington Post has noted that Obama was opposed to raising the Debt Ceiling back in 2006. Here is his actual speech. March 16, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE S2237-2238: “Mr. OBAMA. Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America’s debt problem. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is […]

Hyperinflation Question

QUESTION: First, thank you for your insights on the economy and investing.  Your track record is amazing and I’ve come to rely on your views as an accurate lens of perspective towards our current and upcoming troubles. I have a basic question about the upcoming hyperinflation… If we experience a bout of hyperinflation similar to […]

Saudi & Russia – The Corridors of Power

One of the things that the hard money crowd overlook is the dollar and oil. In fact, Russia and many other OPEC countries have often used oil as a political weapon. To a large extent, they became masters of the world behind the curtain. However, the USA began to wiggle free and is now possibly […]

They are Calling it a Collapse in Capitaism

The view of the American budget crisis from outside the USA is one that is blaming Wall Street and the banks and calling for the next crisis to be the final meltdown of Capitalism. This view is rising around the world. The fact that it is just pushed off into January with the funding ending […]

The Solution

QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstong Reflecting on your thought written “Solutions” is the QE process partially accomplishing the thought of eliminating Public Debt and just print money for Government services. Federal debt of $17 trillion, of which $11 trillion is held by foreign nations. The remaining $6 trillion can be eliminated with QEs. If there is incentive […]

Fed Balance Sheet & Lack of Oversight

The Fed’s quantitative easing (QE) or asset purchase program, has managed to cause the Fed’s balance sheet to explode from under $1 trillion pre-crisis to an all-time high of $3.48 trillion. While this $2.48 trillion increase has sent people ranting about hyperinflation that has been just absurd. They fail to grasp the fact that there has […]

Gold – Market Update

QUESTION: Lately, the goldbugs have been complaining about large sales driving the price of gold down.  Can you comment about the validity of their arguments? Thank you. Sincerely, -RM ANSWER: Gold was on schedule to decline. Even the oscillators are still negative. The fundamentals are gathered from time to time and selected to fit the […]