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Central Banks & Gold

QUESTION: “You wrote ‘Some central banks appear poised to sell gold to raise money given they have no intent to return to a gold standard.’ Which ones are the sellers and the buyers?” ANSWER: Those who are thinking about selling are the ones in financial trouble. This is being discussed among Euro members. Germany is not […]

France is Destroying the European Economy

What part of Marxism do these politicians fail to understand? The problem seems to stem from the fact that most are lawyers. They know how to write laws and contracts, but most are totally ignorant of the real world.One of the most disrespectful lawyers ignorant of the real world was Samuel Untermyer, who was the Attorney for […]

Blue Dollar Market

The Argentine Government has made it its policy to overvalue the Argentinean Peso (to hide the fact that people are buying dollars and smuggling them out of the country in any way they can as a result of the brain-dead policies they’ve been pursuing for about a decade now). Of course this has led to a “black […]

Cyprus Proposal

Cyprus Proposal  March 27th, 2013, 5:00PM EST Cyprus Proposal   The paramount questions remain:   1)     What is the end-game solution for the Euro? 2)     How will the Euro survive after the Cyprus solution? 3)     What is to be accomplished by staying in the Euro and suffering the indignities Brussels is inflicting upon Cyprus? 4)     […]

Latin America & Dollar Loans

From South America a reader has written about the trend down there: “You know the same thing is happening in Latin America. Tons of dollars have been flowing there recently and dollar borrowing rates have skyrocketed as all US benchmark rates reached record lows.  Economies are booming and it doesn’t take a genius to see […]

Cyprus – More than just a Debt Risk

Copyright March 21, 2013 all rights reserved By Martin Armstrong The Cyprus event is the key to geopolitical survival of Europe. There is a substantial difference between Russia and China. Russia lost territory and as such needs to reestablish its “empire” that it sees as territory not economic power as does China. That means that […]


GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) 381 U.S. 479 GRISWOLD ET AL. v. CONNECTICUT. APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. No. 496. Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965. Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as […]

Puerto Rico is Becoming the Strange Attractor

Politicians being mostly lawyers only see their power to change and make laws as absolute. They fail to comprehend that they too must be competitive for their actions alter the behavior of all. They drive capital out and attract capital in by simply being uncompetitive or competitive. Puerto Rico comes under the US mantle as […]

History of Social Security

The Roosevelt Administration’s Proposal For Voluntary Annuities   The Administration’s Proposals-   When President Roosevelt submitted his legislative package to Congress on January 17, 1935, the Administration’s proposals contained three provisions designed to provide retirement security for older Americans:   1. A System of Old Age Pensions- These were state-run welfare programs for the elderly. […]

Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 – What About The Rest of Us?

I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. We began with the Greek Debt Crisis precisely to the day on the Pi Target from […]