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LA Weekly Review the FORECASTER

By Chris Packham The story of espionage and duplicity that financial adviser Martin Armstrong relates in Marcus Vetter’s documentaryThe Forecaster is as serpentine and fascinating as a John le Carré novel. Its narrative thread convincingly weaves multiple financial collapses, the ouster of Boris Yeltsin and the rise of the Putin oligarchy around Armstrong’s life’s work — […]

Markets in Review

The reaction rally in the markets appears to be unfolding on schedule. From the broader perspective, a corrective process in equities will send the residual cash into bonds and this may help create the final bubble top in interest rate markets. This should materialize with a correction in the dollar and that pop in the […]

IMF Tried to keep Floor on Interest Rates at 0.5%

  Tthe IMF said it is introducing a floor of 0.05 percent for the interest rate on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The IMF’s move shows how global financial conditions are heading into never-never-land. Just how are these governments going to handle the Great Recession? Will rates go to -10% to achieve stimulus? What they do not […]

Bitcoin will be Capped at 21 million?

  I am told that I will be wrong because Bitcoin has an arbitrary cap at 21 million so it cannot end up as the dollar. Sorry, if you cap it at 21 million and there are over 300 million Americans alone, just how is Bitcoin going to ever replace anything? That is the attempt […]

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates not Lower

QUESTION:   I’m just wondering how the stock markets can go up into a rapid bubble in 2015 -17, if the bonds are going to collapse in Oct. of ’15? do you still stand by your call for stocks to go so high this year? oil is going to go too cheap., and it would seem […]

How Did The US Markets Respond During Watergate?

How Did The US Markets Respond During Watergate? by Martin A. Armstrong The effect of public confidence upon capital markets is one issue that has gone largely ignored for decades. In our August 8th, 1994 edition of the Princeton World Report, we provided a study of gold dating back to 1721. Every major rally in gold was […]

Why Japan is Not Greece or EU For that Matter

QUESTION: Hello Martin There are a few writers who speculate the the yen will be the first currency to fall (because Japan has been tied into QE and flat interest rates for decades already, and their manufacturing is suffering).  How do you think the currency situation will play out for Japan?   thank you   best […]

Analysis – NEVER Give Up

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   The unbelievable amounts of research you have done and the knowledge you impart on your blog is just amazing, and is what inspired me to start trying to analyse markets and make forecasts of my own. Your personal grasp of the big picture and the computer system you have subsequently designed […]

Cyclical – Techical – Fundamental Analysis

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it really possible to combine all three forms of analysis in a coherent manner that is consistent? ANSWER: No. Anyone claiming this can be achieved really has no experience and is more likely than not a snake-oil salesman. The vast array of fundamentals that are taking place simultaneously can never […]

Real Estate & The Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I live here in Fairfax County, VA. Wow! The government largesse almost feels like 2006 again. Real estate values have almost climbed back to 2005 levels. I cannot believe that people here are paying 600k for 15-year-old townhomes under high tension wires. I guess it is the low interest rates. Those units can […]