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Soros – One of the Greatest Threats Against Society?

It is no secret that I have no respect for George Soros and that is aside from the fact that we would often be on opposite sides of the market. I never saw Soros as a great trader. Even the reputation that he broke the Bank of England was nonsense. The “Club” was all on […]

Market Talk- February 8, 2018

  Shanghai was the only one to underperform the core with a 1.4% decline and a weaker currency market. The Trade numbers missed expectations and that was probably the key reason why the Yuan took the hit. Closing down over 1% (at 6.286) was its weakest move in over two years. The balance of Asian […]

Market Talk- February 7th, 2018

The mood was a little down this afternoon, that Asian equity markets could not produce more enthusiasm than we saw today. With all core markets opening on a positive note, following the late US rally, it was less than encouraging that they could maintain that theme. Shanghai was the first market to turn down after […]

Market Talk- February 6th, 2018

The Nikkei closes 4.75% lower, the Hang Seng is down 5.1%, ASX and Shanghai both around 3.3% and the VIX trading with a 50 handle! Anyone short vol. (and the rumour is there are a few) will be panic buying and chasing the market. Gold at best only added $10 from yesterdays close but we […]

VIX Losses Feeding Collapse

QUESTION: I have heard first hand from some significant players that do speaking engagements for very large pension funds that a product was being offered to the pension funds as a yield enhancer that was based around selling the VIX.   First off, why would anyone trust a product that is being offered by a big […]

Market Talk- February 5th, 2018

A busy day all round today from the Nikkei down another 2.5%, DOW futures 350 lower ahead of its open, rates rising, Jerome Powell taking office, Draghi to speak, Germany political uncertainty, BITCOIN losing another 8% now at 7,500 and the Bank of England to meet later in the week. Asia’s weakness is much of […]

The Pension Ponzi Scheme is Coming to an End

  Inevitably, all things must come to an end.  Our entire problem with government is we have ZERO accountability and ZERO qualification standards to even run for office. The Democrats have put forth blacks and women, not because of their abilities, but simply because they want to score votes. The latest proposal was to put […]

CFTC Has Made Spoofing a Crime

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced that it has brought a case in conjunction with the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Criminal Investigative Division, charging criminal and civil enforcement actions against three banks and six individuals involved in commodities fraud and spoofing schemes, which they define as bidding or offering with the […]

Market Talk- January 30th, 2018

As you would expect, given how the last minutes in the US trading influences Asia – we opened lower. The Nikkei did attempt a small recovery just after the opening, but this was not to last and in-fact the selling pressure increased as the day wore-on. Interesting that although the Nikkei finished 1.45% weaker, the […]

Market Talk- January 29th, 2018

Most core Asian markets turned negative but only towards the end of the trading session. The Nikkei appeared happy playing in positive territory but tended to drift as we approached the close of the day. There was talk of different reports hindering sentiment but it was the unknown and the speed of the decline that […]