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Coins of the Siege of Masada

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I tried to search to see if the Romans ever issued any coins to announce the victory over Masada. I did not find any mention of Masada and coins whatsoever. I assumed if anybody knew it must be you. Were there any coins to commemorate that event? BK   ANSWER: No. […]

Market Talk- July 20, 2018

Much of todays talk surrounded currencies and the talk of combined intervention! Whether it was or wasn’t is immaterial, but what we did witness was a turnaround in the US Dollar strength against most geographies and at the same time a steepening in core bond markets. These currency bounces helped many markets to recover some […]

The Media Completely Ignores Putin’s Request to Interrogate US Officials About Interfering in Russia

  What is interesting about the Trump & Putin press conference is how the Western Media focuses on the claims of Russian interference in the US election and refuse to report any involvement of the New York Banks attempt to take over Russia by blackmailing Yeltsin. Putin says very clearly that Mueller can go to […]

Violence from the Left is Starting – It will be Their Way or No Way

There are groups of Democratic Socialists that are stalking Trump’s staff and Republicans. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was refused service in the Red Hen Restaurant which is really no different than discriminating against someone because of their race. If it were over race, that action would be criminally prosecuted. Other angry protesters are […]

When Will We Be Truthful About Bureaucratic Intervention into Foreign Elections?

I really do find it totally beyond belief how even Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, are coming out to criticize Trump saying Trump should have blasted Putin for interfering in the US election. He said, “There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the […]

Bureaucracy & the Collapse of Empires, Nation, City-States & Corporations

COMMENT: Sir, Your blog about the “Deep State” being nothing more than the bureaucracy made me laugh. If memory serves, didn’t some of the Chinese dynasties implode because of bureaucracies? Or am I being nearsighted and all governments typically implode because of bureaucracies? On a fractal level, don’t all corporations implode because of their bureaucracies over […]

Market Talk- July 16, 2018

Despite all of the weekends headlines surrounding US Presidents Trump’s meetings with NATO, UK’s PM Theresa May and then on to Helsinki with President Putin markets maintained calm. The USD remains very well supported, core bonds around the globe held their ground and other than a drift in energy prices, overall we survive in a […]

Now We Have Fake Journalists As Well

  COMMENT: This character who pretended to be a journalist was only an op-ed contributor. It is amazing how so many journalists are using this against Trump. They truly are distorting this event and are fake news. PP REPLY: Yes it is really a sad day. I have written OP-ED pieces for the Wall Street […]

Market Talk- July 13, 2018

Friday the 13th may not be that lucky for some, but that did not appear to be the case for todays markets. Asia built on yesterdays gains with core markets stronger across the region. The Nikkei closed up +1.85%, with only a little added by the -0.4% depreciation of the Yen. Shanghai appeared to struggle […]

The Disturbing Reasoning of Judge Brett Kavanaugh

QUESTION: What is your opinion of Trump’s Supreme Court pick? MG ANSWER: The main decision that I believe allows us to pierce the veil of judicial reasoning is Susan SEVEN-SKY v. Eric H. HOLDER, 661 F.3d 1 (2011). In this decision, Judge Brett Kavanaugh did not join Silberman’s opinion. Instead, he wrote a sixty-five-page opinion that argued that the court could […]