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Up – Down – Sideways? What is Going On?

Of course, the markets have been causing losses among the bulls as well as the bears. This is what they do and MUST do before they can actually make a decisive move of the nature we are looking at ahead. It becomes rather amusing to watch the so-called professionals, who are constantly wrong, brood and […]

New Jersey to Follow Illinois Down the Drain

The New Jersey State Assembly has begun the pursuit of a constitutional amendment to guarantee pension payments for government workers over all other types of state spending. This would naturally include all politicians, which is why they are introducing it. Because spending on education, health, crime, environment, welfare etc. is not guaranteed by the Constitution […]

Failure of the Quantity of Money Theory

QUESTION: Marty; Are you saying that Bill Gross is wrong and they will not try “helicopter money” again or that “helicopter money” will not stimulate the economy? ANSWER: Whether or not the Fed tries to apply “helicopter money” is highly debatable. Bill Gross DID NOT make a forecast that any QE (Quantitative Easing) would be successful or […]

Did the Fed Create Cash or Debt with QE?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; some people say you are wrong because the Fed did not create “cash,” but rather made more debt available through the QE process and whether people hoard money is irrelevant. I do not agree with this statement for the Fed clearly bought bonds, they did not create debt. It seems some people have […]

Market Talk — May 6, 2016

A couple of rumors and some nerves ahead of the all important US Non-Farms Payrolls. In mainland China there were rumors that local regulators may want to delay mainland listings of mainland US listed Chinese companies. We will follow-up on this rumor when we hear more information. Shanghai index closed down 2.8% and the Shenzhen B closed down 3.6%. Europe traded sub-par […]

Market Talk May 5th, 2016

A relatively quiet night in Asia with China PMI (51.8%) marginally under the April  52.2% reading. Although this had a short-term influence just ahead of lunch but it really did not alter the bounce and we closed the session marginally better. Hang Seng however, was lower on the day closing down 0.37%, which actually was not a bad […]

WEC Full Session

A number of people have been buying tickets to all three sessions of the 2016 World Economic Conferences. We did not have a payment option for that possibility. We have now created that function and processed a $500 refund to those who bought all the packages. This will include the Institutional dinner and the cocktail […]

Why the Quantity of Money Theory is DEAD Wrong

COMMENT: Bill Gross says you are wrong and helicopter money is coming and the Fed should print trillions to buy government bonds. Any comments? REPLY:Gross is not making a forecast without self-interest. Gross’ “helicopter money” calls for the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury to engage in another round of quantitative easing (QE) by printing trillions of […]

Market Talk — May 3, 2016

A morning where PMI’s (Purchasing Managers Index) continue to rule the markets. China’s reaction was somewhat muted after mainland index rallied to close with a strong 1.85% performance but that was countered by the Hang Seng dropping 1.8%. The RBA surprised the markets with a 25bp cut in rates to take key rates back to 1.75%. […]

Does Randomness Even Exist?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have to admit after following you for almost 2 years now I am impressed. I was a buyer of your first gold report where you introduce me to the idea of different types of cycles from fixed to variable and your benchmarks. I have been amazed that gold bottomed to the week […]