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From Ireland – The Key to Everything

COMMENT:  Martin, Thank you for the laugh over your consoling words of “Cheer-up! We have a front row seat” in your bleak piece entitled, “The Elections for 2014 Are All About Creating a Dictatorship”. Talk about gallows humor! It reminded me of the story of a shopkeeper who had his store front damaged in a […]

France – Fighting Against the Internet

France goes out of its way to fight the Business Cycle in every aspect. They are now seeking to enact the Anti-Amazon law, who some have regarded as the destroyer of book stores. It may be true that Amazon and the internet in general is contributing to the change in the economy from eliminating local […]

European Banking Crisis – Seizing 10% of Everyone’s Accounts – Hello Cyprus

The European Banking Crisis is getting much worse and the whole structure is crumbling to dust. The banks cannot save themselves. The entire crisis is all about the structural design of the Euro, which the politicians will not address. They failed to create a single national debt and in so doing, the banks then used […]

France is considering Nationalization of Peugeot

The French Solution – if it does not make a profit or is dysfunctional, then Nationalize it. The French car-maker is broke once again and France is considering nationalization defying as always the Business Cycle. I was called in by one of the Top 10 French companies in Germany. This is how government should be barred from […]

Gold Promoters Discover the World?

QUESTION: It seems some of the very people who use to interview you now suddenly pretend to be world analysts covering all markets. Everyone tries to mimic you yet ignore you. If people like this will not comprehend what you are doing, are they merely making the future much worse with their cheap imitation of […]

Capitulation by the Gold Bulls?

QUESTION: Why is it that the gold press now refuse to ever interview you? It really seems to show that what they say is totally untrustworthy when they refuse to interview anyone who disagrees with them. You are the only analyst who said gold would drop to $1,000 when it was at least $1,800. They […]

Manipulations & Monetary Systems

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: You frequently discuss how markets cannot be manipulated, has not the Federal Reserve manipulated markets with Zero interest rates. As a follow-up to our exchange regarding valuations. I believe I understand your explanation the markets will increase for capital appreciation, but are you excluding that there could be price increases with extreme […]

Commodity Hedge Funds Are Collapsing?

The commodity hedge funds are simply collapsing. This is one reason why you will also see the low in gold unfold. With all the ranting, screaming, claims of hyperinflation, threats of investigations, and prognostications that the dollar will end, not only has gold declined, but the appetite for investing in commodities in general. Clive Capital, […]

Sticking Your Finger in the Light Socket & Expecting Different Result – Pure Insanity

The definition of real insanity is sticking your finger in the same light socket over and over again, yet expecting a different result. This is what we do with each and every crisis. There is some investigation and political pronouncements, yet NOBODY ever asks has ANYONE ever tried this before and did it work? As […]


QUESTION: “Mr. Armstrong: I am surprised there has been no discussion about the  recent weather pattern and storms throughout the country.  Your prediction of severe storms in the fall based on May being the  coldest in recent history was right on.” Best Regards, R C ANSWER: We will be trying to incorporate another forecasting service […]