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Great Lakes with Historical Record Ice

  The greatest scientific FRAUD of all time has been this Global Warming nonsense. But hey, they are great snake-oil salesmen who manage to get billions of dollars thrown at them to study what they will never admit are just natural weather patterns. This is is so damn cold, I think a few more months […]

Gold Promoters – Here We Go Again

Trying to argue with a Gold Promoter is trying to argue with a Democrat that they should be a Republican. It will never happen because it is their life and how they make money. If we look at the commodity sector as a whole, in 1919 Wheat was 356. It reached in 2008 13500. That […]

CME Ending Floor Trading

One item in my art collection is a Leroy Neiman work of the Chicago Futures Exchange. That last vestige of the swashbuckling era of commodities floor trading is closing down. While the decision is clearly a corporate bean-counter at the CME Group Inc. who has no idea about the art of trading, we are losing something […]

Kerry Exposed as a Liar

Europe is moving against the USA and closer to Russia. Kerry has outright lied to the American public to cover-up their stupid sanctions policy. Following Francois Hollande’s calls for greater autonomy for Eastern Ukraine, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has come out in apparent support of Russia (and specifically against the US), “we are part […]

Eastern Ukraine to Fall to Russia? Sanctions Failed

The attempt to isolate Putin from the world club has failed. With oil prices collapsing, Putin must sure up domestic support and now needs a victory. He can easily blame the economic decline at home on the West’s sanctions. That was handed to him on a gold platter. Had the West not tried to sanction […]

Is Europe’s Austerity Policy just Incompetent?

The turmoil within Europe over this austerity policy is reaching astronomical proportions. This crazy failure to comprehend that you cannot raise taxes and increase regulation while expecting an economic recovery is stunning. All the ECB is doing is bailing out banks while interest rates go negative wiping out the savings of elderly and pension funds. […]

Middle East Understands they Must Let the Pegs Go to the Dollar

Gulf Arab oil states may need to rethink longstanding economic policies, including their fixed exchange rates, over the next couple of years as economic cycles in the region and the United States diverge. The deflationary trend will impact the region as hard-times emerge and the economies decline into 2020. The six nations in the Gulf […]

Diocletian's "Edict of Maximum Prices" issued in 301 AD

Wages in 301 AD in theRoman Empire All data based on Diocletian’s “Edict of Maximum Prices” issued in 301 AD Prices Expressed in Roman Denarii equivalent General Laborers brick maker, for every 4 fired bricks and preparation of the clay……………………… 2 brick maker, for every 8 sun dried bricks, and preparation of the clay……………… 2 […]

Has Brussels Reached a Vespasian Moment?

  Upon the death of Nero (54-68AD), the Roman Empire was at a crossroads. The last member of the Julio-Claudian bloodline was dead. Many hoped for the return of the Republic. But the old Oligarchs had been mostly killed more than 72 years before. Otho and Vitellius sought to grab the throne. A third general […]

Democrat’s Dream – Always More Taxes

There’s is little doubt that the Democrats can’t sleep at night worrying about someone made some money they did not get a piece of. The worst tax of all that is directly causing a worldwide depression is none other than FATCA. The FATCA worldwide hunting down pf Americans overseas was a portion of the 2010 […]