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Is Everyone Now Bullish in Stocks?

At last, we have entered the middle-ground of analytical thought. Between 2009 and 2017, the majority were bearish calling for the inevitable crash any day now. So after 8,6 years, they have now crossed the Rubicon and we now see there is a general expectation that stocks will keep rising, albeit at a slower pace. […]

Has the FBI become the Praetorian Guard?

COMMENT: Hey Marty, if it’s true that the FBI formed a “Secret Society” to eliminate Trump in the 2016 elections isn’t this similar to the Praetorian Guard picking Emperor?  The Elite Police/Military choose our leader.  So in other words, the USA’s downward spiral has been sent in decided motion and we have begun our descent.  […]

CNN Confirms Soros Lost $2 Billion on Russia

CNN-Conservative 1998-R COMMENT: Marty; I was just surfing and discovered that CNN did quote you back in 1998. They said you beat Soros since he lost $2 billion and you correctly called the Russian collapse and the Long-Term Capital Management collapse. Maybe they will wake up and quote you again being the only one to […]

Japan Hit by Coldest Weather in 48 years

Tokyo has been hit by the Global Cooling as well. The cold snap has gripped Japan causing tremendous chaos. This is the coldest in 48 years, according to Japan’s Meteorological Agency. While the Global Warming crowd is attributing this to climate change caused by humans, nobody tries to explain that this is moving back to cold […]

Argentina – The Continued Shift to Private Assets

  COMMENT: Greetings from Argentina. Merval Argentina indexed doubled since new president Macri started in Dic 2015. Any comments about Latin America – South Cone? You never mention this part of the globe. Thank you I am a long time reader.   REPLY: The Merval is covered on Socrates. Nevertheless, if this market breaks through […]

British Pound – How High is High?

QUESTION: In your year-end report, you said the resistance in the pound for 2018 was at the 14500-14600 level throughout 2018. We stopped at the mid 14300 level. Is this it? ANSWER: In 2016, the British pound elected the Yearly Bearish Reversal at 14000. It is normal to retest that level since we closed 2016 […]

Mnuchen Calls for Weaker Dollar – Trump Stronger?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have repeatedly said that the USA wants a lower dollar while Europe thinks a strong currency is better. You said the dollar would decline first into 2018. That seems to be spot on. After Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin statement that a weaker dollar is best for USA, the dollar sold off. Why […]


COMMENT:  Hi Martin: Thanks for the great conference in November–I really enjoyed it. I thought you might want to use this quote some time, which would well relate to the present FBI scandal. It comes from Wm. Penn, whose “Some Fruits of Solitude” is included in Book 1 of the Harvard Classics Five Foot Shelf of […]

Mueller to Interrogate Trump Under Oath – Comey Never Did That to Hillary

Robert Mueller’s investigation has climbed all the way up to Donald Trump himself. He is now demanding to interrogate Trump under oath in hopes of getting him on a perjury charge as he desperately tries to take him down on an obstruction of justice charge chalking one up for the Bureaucrats he has been protecting. When Hillary […]

The Yield Curve

QUESTION: At the Institutional WEC session in 2016, you forecast that rates would rise but that the long-end would produce a positive yield for the next two years at least. Are we coming to an end of that forecast? ANSWER: The new Institutional service is being expanded currently. Our hedging model positions have been added […]