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Market Talk- July 12, 2018

Many in the market were waiting to hear a response from China today, after the escalation by the US in trade tariffs. However, given their noticeable absence has provided a huge relief for markets and so we saw yesterdays decline reversed. An impressive 2.2% bounce proved wide spread and especially creditworthy when we see that […]

Market Talk- July 11, 2018

Just when the markets started to rejoice in the fact that there had been no recent escalation of trade wars and then the silence is broken. Early in the Asian trading day the US released a list of additional tariffs which are assumed to total close to $200bn. This number has wobbled equities and put […]

Who Really is the Deep State?

QUESTION:  What is your understanding of the term “Deep State”? Do you think there’s a deep state as it is referred to in the media today? I have come to understand a deep state as meaning the permanent global institutions that are on their directed agenda irrespective of its citizens or their political leaders agendas. […]

Market Talk- July 9, 2018

The mood appeared constructive in Asia today mostly following on from the late US rally Friday. Lack of any damaging weekend headlines has proved to be a relief and the markets have reflected it. China showed its reserve today with the core Shanghai index climbing over 2.5% and equally impressive, closing at the highs of […]

Russian Summit Lining Up with ECM

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Hope this finds you well. Long time follower of your site. Though I don’t always agree with your conclusions, I value your site as a great source of ideas that challenge my conceptions of how things work. Keep up the good work. Having just read the story on the front page of […]

Should Mental Tests be Required for Politicians?

Sheila Jackson Lee is a politician of the Democrat Party. She is currently the U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district, serving since 1995. The district includes most of central Houston. There are no qualifications to be a politician and the degree of incompetence seems to be more of a disease in government over the […]

ABC News Anchor Leaves Because of Fake News

  One of the prominent faces of ABC news has been Brian Ross, one of their star investigative correspondents. He has been forced to resign because he embarrassed the network late last year when he did an on-air report suggesting former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had been told by President Donald Trump to make […]

The Future of the Democrats – A New Age of Socialism to Exploit Everyone Else?

QUESTION: It seems that the Democratic Party is turning really socialist. The DNC Chair Tom Perez said the Socialist Ocasio-Cortez is the “future of our party” and it seems they just ignore the socialist path in places like France which you pointed out their stock market peaked back in 2000 and has not participated in the […]

Illinois to Assault the Entire Internet – They May End Up With Businesses Refusing to Deal With People in Illinois

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow every state to tax the internet is complete insanity. Sources in Illinois are warning that the state is bankrupt and it now intends to wage an all-out assault upon the internet. They may, in the end, simply force many small companies to REFUSE to do business with anyone who […]

Trade War with China

QUESTION: What is your “opinion” on the Trump tariffs dispute with China? ANSWER: Years ago, an old friend from high school was in the Philadelphia Steam Fitters Union. They went on strike for a very long time. He finally came to me and asked for a job. I gave him one and all I ever heard was […]