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The Euro & The Waterfall Projection – Judgment Day

  We have not seen a Waterfall Projection on any market in years. All of a sudden, it showed up in Euro and in Oil. Those who have been with us for decades will notice that the projection for the high was virtually a perfect formation at the top of the circle based upon the […]

Obama’s Slick Lie to Raise Taxes on Middle Class

  What everyone heard at Obama’s State of the Union was how he wanted to tax the rich and prevent them from leaving their children the spoils of their life. They also were duped into believing that he wants to help the Middle Class and make college FREE. What they did not hear is his […]

King of Saudi King Abdullah Dies Opening the Door to More Uncertainty

The king of Saudi King Abdullah died on Friday after two decades of power. This presents some concern because historically whenever such changes take place, often those dissatisfied with the government begin to make their move. Consequently, this change in power brings risk of rising civil unrest where protests have been increasing. The decline in crude […]

Comment From Argentina – Behind the Curtain

COMMENT: Hi Martin: I am your greatest fan from Argentina. I noticed you mentioned about the Nisman case. well it is official. Now we have access to the pdf file case or opening case file. Nisman stated in this file that Argentina was making a secret agreeement with Iran ( crude oil for soy exports […]

ISIS Demands Money for Hostages

  ISIS now demand $200 million in ransom or they will behead two Japanese hostages. This seems to be retaliation for last week, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged $200 million in non-military assistance to support countries affected by the campaign against ISIS during his six-day Middle East tour. This Islamic State has now released a video […]

All Empires Die By Deflation – Not Inflation

A lot of people have asked what to do because property taxes keep rising and they can see they are unable to retire under such circumstances. The politicians are wiping out the elderly diminishing their savings and exploiting them in every way. There are no exceptions for taxation when you sell your home as there […]

Swiss Peg Collapses – The Euro’s Nightmare

On September 6th, 2011 the Swiss National Bank (SNB) was aiming for a substantial and sustained weakening of the Swiss franc after Swiss companies threatened to leave because the rising franc reduced their exports. The SNB would no longer tolerate a EUR/CHF  exchange rate below the minimum rate of CHF 1.20. The SNB set out to […]

Opinion v Capital Flow Analysis

Over the past three years, I have received countless emails about how I am wrong and if it were not for me commodities would rise. These nasty comments are typical from someone who wishes to live in denial and pretend that their OPINION is correct and that the world is wrong – never them. My […]

OPEC is Dead – Long Live the Free Markets?

OPEC is really dead. These countries have been expanding their budgets assuming oil will only rise. Therefore, they now need the money and will increase production to meet the budget requirements. The UAE confirmed that OPEC will no longer move to shore up crude prices. The UAE instead said that the rising North American shale […]

We All Need Each Other – Impossibility of Manipulating the Invisible Hand

To those asking questions regarding our services, we hope to have the first access up by the end of the month. Others who have asked will the little guy be allowed to participate in the IPO? We will most likely have a pre-IPO for clients before it goes to the public. We are more interested […]