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Gold Coins vs. Bullion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Because of the civil asset forfeiture laws I think I understand why you say own only gold coins before 1947 not bullion they can call cash. Am I correct? HP ANSWER: Absolutely. Even that will not be a guarantee against government who has gone totally criminal. However, if you have circulated common date $20, […]

Thank You – The Future

COMMENT:  I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You even said “Pay attention now Monday could be the intraday low. The open will be crucial”. And the low so far indeed did occur in the opening few […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2015

“Wild” is an understatement to describe today’s equity market moves. Some say the Chinese are at fault for their unexpected move in currency, but whatever the reason for the increased volatility, you can be sure they will increase margin requirements, which will add to the volatility and further the decline in liquidity. All Asian equity […]

Panic – Time to Jump on the Low?

Our models show a gap in the Reversals, which is what you look for in a panic move. We warned, “A closing below 16680 would warn of a drop to the 15500 area.” This was the GAP. So far, the Dow fell to 15370.33 on our target for this week as the Panic Cycle. We ran our […]

The Three-Month Rout as People Fear New Asian Crisis

This three-month rout in equities is scaring the hell out of everyone. It has changed the view that the Fed will not raise rates, which has sent the dollar lower in what appears to be the bubble in government, particularly in Europe. The bells are ringing this Monday across world markets with a 9% nosedive […]

Who Becomes the Next Buyer?

QUESTION: A false move? I don’t follow.. If as you say the European money that’s been buying US stocks is now heading back to Europe, who will be the new buyers of US stocks? ANSWER: A False Move is an event that must shake the tree to get everyone out of their longs, causing many to then short. […]

Venezuela’s Hyperinflation

The hyperinflation in Venezuela illustrates the real causes behind such events — the total collapse in the confidence of government. It is not a question of money supply for that is akin to putting the cart before the horse. As confidence collapses, people trust the government less and resort to using the currency of neighboring countries. This […]

Markets in Turmoil: A False Move Preparing For Something Else?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all your writings. I may not understand them all, but certainly appreciate what you are doing to inform those of us you care what is happening in this world economy. Question: With the dow tanking, is this considered the FALSE move you wrote about previously. That in essence […]

Market Talk – August 21, 2015

The share markets collapsed and so far the May high looks to have been correct. The decline into this period is having the precise correlated response necessary to create the peak in government for this turn in the ECM – the final rush to quality. The S&P 500 cash previously elected just one Weekly Bearish […]

Markets in Review

The markets are generally staging quite nicely for the ECM turning point. What generally rises into the turning point turns back down, and that which declines finds a bottom and rises. We have been stating that as long as the May high held, then we should decline in the U.S. share markets. A weekly closing […]