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Elizabeth I Two-Tier Monetary System

QUESTION: You have mentioned that the US maintained a two-tier monetary system with trade dollars during the 19th century. Did Britain ever do the same or was the fact that Britain was the financial capital so they were exempt? Thank you for the help and education. DL ANSWER: When Elizabeth I (1558-1603) was on the […]

Can We Stop the Government Borrowing & Just Print Without Inflation?

The conservatives are going nuts about raising the debt ceiling as if this really matters. They claim: “The United States is effectively bankrupt, but that doesn’t matter to the GOP. Once evangelists of fiscal responsibility and scourges of deficit spending, Republicans today glory in spilling red ink. The national debt is now $20.6 trillion, greater than […]

Alaska Hit by 7.9 Earthquake – The Start of a more Active Period lies Ahead

A 7.9 earthquake just struck off the coast of Alaska. There have been 12 major earthquakes greater than 7.0 since 1906. The 1964 earthquake was one of the biggest ever in North America measuring 9.2. The real significance of this event today is the fact that the Ring of Fire in the Pacific has 10 […]

The Ban on issued Coins that Commemorated Waterloo

QUESTION: Wrote said that under the EU organization, the French insisted there would be a prohibition against issuing any coin that commemorated Waterloo. Can you elaborate on that? I never heard of that clause before. ANSWER: Yes, and Belgium defied the rule by issuing a commemorative 2.5 euro coin that was NOT for general circulation. It was […]

Do Commitment of Traders & Inventories Really Matter?

QUESTION: Do you think that the Commitment of Traders and reported inventories are relevant to gauge market performance? ANSWER: The oldest game in town is manipulating inventories. Commodities can be stored at many places, but only selected facilities are on the reporting list. During the famous Buffet Silver scandal of 1997-1998, to justify taking silver up in price […]

Central Bank Reserves – The Rise of the Yuan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand that your model shows that China will become the dominant economy post-2032. The IMF added the yuan to their SDR basket. Are central banks starting to use the yuan in reserves in a major way yet? KD ANSWER: Yes. The ECB (European Central Bank) converted a half-billion euros to yuan. […]

Why the Dollar is the Mainstay of the World Economy

QUESTION: A friend told me the one pound coins I have from a trip to Britain last year were canceled. How can a government simply cancel its money? KL ANSWER: Oh yes. Britain canceled the one pound coins last October. They estimated that £400-450 million pounds became worthless overnight. Europeans routinely cancel their currency. This […]

RULE #1 – Never Marry the Trade

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The goldbugs hate you for calling the top and a bear market. To my surprise, I searched Money Week here in London and it came up with an article in 2008 confirming you also called the temporary high in 2008 before the slingshot up into 2011 and were off 4 days on a […]

Dollar Manipulation by China & Japan?

The two largest foreign holders of the US debt, China and Japan, reduced their holdings of US government bonds in November compared to October. While many are trying to say see, they are dumping US bonds, China reduced its holdings by 1% or $ 12.6 billion to $ 1,176.6 trillion and Japan reduced its positions by $10 billion to […]

Government Shutdowns – Just Politics?

The Trump was preparing for at least a weekend-long partial government shutdown Friday night, expressing little confidence that Congress could pass a bill by the midnight deadline to keep the government open. Trump canceled a scheduled trip to his Palm Beach resort on Friday as he met with the top Senate Democrat to try to […]