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Welcome to Dollar Vertigo – China to Ban Dollar Borrowing?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that whatever you say our government follows. You said China should buy directly from the Treasury and not the New York bank and they did that right away. Now they are considering stopping dollar borrowing here in China as well. You should be holding a WEC here in Shanghai next. […]

Shooting at Capital Gazette was Personal – not Political

The violence is gradually escalating over a political confrontation that is building between left and right. While the polls now show that 31% of American believe we are indeed headed into a civil war, and over 50% believe the left is moving to violence, and incident seems to be turning to political explanation. Now a […]

Market Talk- June 27, 2018

The story of June has certainly been the US -Europe- Asia trade wars which were instigated by Trump administration back at the start of the month. The tariffs of 25% on Steel and 10% on Aluminum likely to affect around 100 Bn worth of goods globally. China and Europe since retaliated, with Europe initiating a […]

Civil Unrest = Hoarding of Assets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You pick themes that are not really just political on the surface, but beneath you are connecting the dots economically. This is what I read between the lines for you do not always emphasize it in every post why you will address issues like migration and civil unrest. Are these serious issues […]

The Next American Civil War – Thank You Mueller

The Mueller investigation is all about removing Trump from office, which has been cheered by CNN, New York Times, and The Washington Post among many others. They are intent on overturning the results of a Democratic election to ensure this is no longer a government of the people for the people. They see this as […]

Market Talk- June 25, 2018

The Shanghai was holding-in initially and even spent much of the day trading unchanged until late afternoon. Talk that President Trump could be planning additional Trade tariffs coupled with speculation of curbing Chinese tech investment wobbled markets. These rumblings hit all of Asian indices and also DOW futures as the uncertainty over the global trading […]

Fake News – Little Girl Was Never Taken From Her Mother

  It turns out that the Fake News has managed to use a picture of little Hondorus girl and told the world she was taken from her mother. The girl’s father has come out and made it clear that she was NEVER taken from her mother and she is with her mother in the immigration […]

Market Talk – June 22nd, 2018

It was time for the Nikkei to play catch-up having outperformed many of its neighbors over the past week. The Nikkei lost around -0.75% for the day, whilst the badly beaten China core finally saw a bounce. Accompanying this Nikkei decline was a flight into the Yen currency with the result being a print with […]

2032 – How Hard Do We Fall?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, First, I’d like to offer my condolences on your mother’s passing. It feels to me that you must take great satisfaction in the fact that she must have been very proud of your accomplishments, and what you are trying to do for the average person. To me, that is the ultimate […]

Comey Let Hillary Walk When He Knew Foreign Agents Hacked Secret Emails

There is no question now after the Inspector General’s Report that Comey was off the charts. The FBI even knew that ‘foreign actors’ had access to Hillary Clinton emails including at least one classified message 7 weeks BEFORE Comey let her off the hook. The most disturbing thing was he never took notes during her […]