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North Korea & Pushing the Button

  The United States for the first time in a very long time, won a major victory in the United Nations.  The Security Counsel unanimously approved sanctions against North Korea. Typically, Russia and China have opposed to such sanctions in the past. This is demonstrating that the North Korean problem is serious. Despite all the doom and […]

The Risk of North Korea

QUESTION: Dear Mister Armstrong, I have been pondering the thought of Mr. Tump actually welcoming a war with South Korea since Kim Jong Eng launched the first missile via the genesis of the Trump administration. If a war materialized would it not have a actual possibility of stinging China’s economy to a certain degree after all […]

American Imperialism – Why Congress Violates International Law

We have a very serious problem with Congress. Their actions in far too many ways is displaying (1) a total disregard for international law, and (2) a clear arrogance that they will punish foreigners for not obeying US law outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. What if Germany passed a law to punish […]

Market Talk- August 1st, 2017

A solid day for Asia with gains for all core markets of between +0.3% in the Nikkei and +0.9% for the Australian ASX. All sectors contributed to the broad gains with no single area playing a dominant role. In China, we saw better than expected PMI which provided the boast many markets were looking for. […]

Volkswagen & the Risk Behind the Euro

The scandal at Volkswagen AG over the diesel which began on September 18th, 2015, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to German automaker Volkswagen Group. The agency had found that Volkswagen had intentionally programmed turbocharged direct injection diesel engines to activate some emissions controls […]

Market Talk- July 27, 2017

The Nikkei managed to reverse the majority of the days trend with an eventual positive close. It was not that great (+0.15%) but a positive close none the less and as the yen played just under the 112 handle, this helped the move at the close. The FED played its part initially but as the […]

Market Talk – July 26, 2017

Asia closed broadly positive following yet more European and US stock records. Given stock strength has reversed the yens gains and in late trading see the currency back above the 112 level. The Nikkei added an additional 0.5% with automakers benefiting as European rivals suffer from detrimental events but also as better than expected results […]

Market Talk- July 24th, 2017

A clear distinction was drawn between Shanghai (+0.4%), Hang Seng (+0.5%) and SENSEX (+0.7%) exchanges and the ASX (-0.6%) and Nikkei (-0.6%) as they both suffered declines. Some Chinese industrial profits have been encouraging, possible regulatory changes and improving economic data continue to support momentum. The yen trades comfortably with a 110 handle – a […]

Why Global Warming is Good

  One of my greatest concerns with all this Global Warming nonsense is that nobody seems to ever plot weather against the rise and fall of civilization. When you do, you arrive at a strikingly different perspective of global warming. The greatest advancements in civilization have ALWAYS taken place during periods of global warming. When […]

Market Talk- July 19th, 2017

  A healthy close for Asia in todays trading after the uncertainty seen from a mixed US session. The large cap DOW recovery helped but it was the broader S+P and NASDAQ that contributed most for Asia’s impetus. The Nikkei only marginally closed in positive territory but it was the fact that it closed above […]