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Pensions in Alberta – Same Problem

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I enjoy reading your blog everyday, and thank you for your thoughts and for sharing your expertise.  This article which just appeared on’s website is about how public pensions need to be reformed within the province of Alberta Canada, and how the union is against this.  Please refer to the […]

Gold & New Currency

QUESTION:  Martin, On September 18th you wrote “That is until it is time for a new monetary system after all of these jokers are done trying to grab power.” What do you think the new monetary system will be based on. Many people claim that Russia and China will force the balance of international trade […]

The Truth Behind The Fed & the Curtain

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong- You seem to hint that Bernanke didn’t want rates to go up especially when there is a ceiling impasse. Yet, he talked about taper/untaper and torchured the market for 3 months to prepare investors for a smooth QE-reduction. Most investors I know were expecting a small taper that could have still been interpreted as […]

China Shifting from Public to Private US Investment

China continues to shift from Public to Private debt investment. In July, they were buying mortgage-backed securities while selling US government debt. They are moving away from the Public and into the Private debt markets. China understands cycles – the West does not.

Taxes & Unions

Labor unions have been Marxist by design. Anything that attempts to flat-line the economy will fail. It is a business cycle that is at the very least impacted by human nature. Australians are now losing jobs to New Zealand because costs are 30% less. This is simply the nature of capital flows – International Competitiveness. […]

Anti-Union Propaganda

COMMENT:  “You should stop this anti-union propaganda nonsense. Before unions, children used to work in dangerous factories at 12 years old and their fathers died at 30 from cancer if they had the chance not to get crushed by the machines themselves. Before unions, life wasn’t better: if was far worse. You should stop the […]

Changing Bed Partners

One of the strangest things to emerge on Capitol Hill with the Syrian affair is a coalition with libertarian Republicans and liberal Democrats. Never have these to ever met on any issue. This in itself has people talking in DC. But there is something very strange that is often not recognized. If you go to […]

Return of the Crusades – 2024.8

The religious strife that is rising among these extremists is spreading. In Egypt, Coptic Christians in Dalga have been forced to pay a “submission” tax to the Islamists that have ruled their city since early July. This new tax is being forced upon any non-Muslim who refuses to convert to Islam. We are headed into pure […]

Putin pens NYT op-ed urging ‘caution’ in Syria – Very Informative

Of course the American commentators are hurling nothing but insults at Putin for his Op-Ed in the New York Times. They dare to say with chemical weapons being used in Syria, he has no moral standing. Putin rightly points out that there is a serious casualty here and that will be the United Nations. “No […]

Swiss move to End Bank Proprietary Trading

While Goldman Sachs is trying to launch TV ads championing their efforts to fund companies, they still cling to their proprietary trading. Now in Switzerland both the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) and the left-wing are mounting a new efforts to end proprietary trading in UBS and Credit Swiss by breaking up the banks. The Lower-house lawmakers […]