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Gold & New Currency

QUESTION:  Martin, On September 18th you wrote “That is until it is time for a new monetary system after all of these jokers are done trying to grab power.” What do you think the new monetary system will be based on. Many people claim that Russia and China will force the balance of international trade […]

The Truth Behind The Fed & the Curtain

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong- You seem to hint that Bernanke didn’t want rates to go up especially when there is a ceiling impasse. Yet, he talked about taper/untaper and torchured the market for 3 months to prepare investors for a smooth QE-reduction. Most investors I know were expecting a small taper that could have still been interpreted as […]

Is the Euro Dying?

After election day, Angela Merkel plans a significant change as she will lack a majority of Germans really behind her and she has always changed direction with the political wind. According to the polls, the majority of Germans have had enough of Brussels. We will see a shift in trend whereby there will be a resurgence […]

Who is Buying US Bonds?

There is only one country that has bought massive long-term U.S. bonds in July and that was Japan. They bought the incredible amount of long-term bonds totaling $52 billion. Most other foreign governments have reduced their holdings of long-term U.S. bonds by $62.5 billion over the same period with Russia dumping $6 billion in July. This […]

September 18 – Ben Bernanke To Trim QE or Not – That is the Question

Bernanke is in a real box. He knows he needs to trim back the QE purchases, but at the same time he is concerned about the rising bond yields and interest rates. This can send the deficit much higher at a time when there is still a debt ceiling debate ahead. The question of will he […]

Dirty Dealing on Syria in Washington

The only key Arab nations supporting Obama are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that is all about the pipeline blocked by Syria. There are even rumors that the Cyprus event was used to cripple Russians and cut-off their eventual access to a huge gas field there yet to be brought into production. If the Russians […]

Behind-the-Curtain – Why Syria Must Go – It is Gas this Time

Way too much evidence is showing that it was the Saudis who have supplied the rebels with chemical weapons not Assad. So why are the Saudis intent upon getting rid of Assad? The Saudis are planning together with Qatar a pipeline, which will run from the Gulf to Turkey. This will result in the Russian Gazprom having […]

Gold Continues to Rise in India

  The most important aspect to understand about BULL MARKETS is the proper definition – for a bull market to occur, the item must rise in terms of ALL currencies otherwise it is merely adjusting for local conditions. Illustrated above is gold expressed in a basket of currencies and dollars. While everyone was so bullish […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]

Gold & War

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for your active blog…I feel that l am learning a lot but questions appear to be arriving as quick as answers! It seems to me that in order for gold to shine, capital must concentrate on the commodity. This, you have stated, will likely come after the Dow sees a phase transition – the […]