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Taxes & Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that when the currency collapses, all tangible things become money in a barter sense. I believe you were talking about the collapse of hyperinflation in Germany. Has that been consistent throughout history? Thank you for a fantastic WEC PK ANSWER: Oh, absolutely. This is the standard reaction within society. You […]

Market Talk – January 11, 2022

ASIA: China’s real estate sector is having a rocky start in 2022, as some of the country’s most high-profile developers struggle to shake off a crisis that has been growing for months. This week, two major credit rating agencies downgraded Shanghai-based developer Shimao Group further into junk territory. The company has been grappling with mounting […]

Has Fauci Lied Under Oath? Was COVID Created Because of Him?

  Project Veritas has come up with documents that show that DARPA rejected the proposed experiments into creating a coronavirus from bats that was proposed by Eco Health Alliance which was in bed with the NIH and Fauci.     Fauci is appearing in World Economic Forum videos with everyone who is in league with […]

January 6th – Greece v Turkey

Another January 6th, 2022 important geopolitical event was the rising tension between Turkey and Greece. There has been an arms race between the two which escalated going into the end of 2021. Turkey intensified the arms race when it asked Biden to buy 40 F-16 fighter jets to upgrade its Air Force. The move coincides […]

Kazakhstan – NATO & The ECM into 2032

There is a confrontation in the wind. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and special negotiator in the US-Russia talks in Geneva, bluntly states that NATO can no longer “push” Russia to a minor role in European and international politics. NATO must return to the borders of 1997. Russia is blaming the US for the […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2022

ASIA: India cut its forecast for economic growth in the year to the end of March to 9.2% on Friday from an earlier outlook of more than 10%, as disruptions due to the Omicron variant of coronavirus hit consumer sentiment and economic activity. The new forecast for real GDP in 2021/22 compares with a contraction […]

Easing the Semiconductor Shortage Through Domestic Manufacturing

As Biden said, the current crisis will end at the state level. Well, luckily Governor Ron DeSantis is continuing to support his promise to improve the economy with dealings that will benefit the nation. DeSantis previously announced plans to open Florida ports around the clock and measures to attract new labor to the Sunshine State. […]

Market Talk – January 7, 2022

ASIA: China’s official economic growth target is expected to be set above 5 percent in 2022, analysts told in an interview. China enters the local “two sessions” season, when local GDP growth targets are usually announced. Beijing and Central China’s Henan Province became the latest to start their annual meetings since Wednesday. Southwest China’s Xizang […]

The British Heart Foundation Normalizes Heart Failure in Young Athletes

The British Heart Foundation recently released this deranged advertisement showing a young female football (soccer for the Americans) player collapsing on the field. The commercial begins with a very young boy dressing with a visible scar vertically down his chest. Sudden heart failure in children is not a normal occurrence — well, it wasn’t before […]

Market Talk – January 6, 2021

ASIA: India and China have mostly set aside their bilateral differences in order to champion the cause of developing countries at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). That seems to be changing. During the latest round of China’s trade policy review, India questioned its northern neighbor’s claim that it was a developing country since, going by […]