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Mud – A Secret Miracle?

Sometimes ancient remedies knew things we assumed were just nuts. Romans would put mud on a wound. They may have been right after all. A completely new antibiotic named Teixobactin is the latest Hoffnungsgträger medicine discovery against multi-resistant organisms. The substance is produced by soil bacteria of mud. The researchers discovered from Bonn and Boston that […]

Hong Kong – A Bird of a Different Feather?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I have been reading your writings a few years already and am so inspired by your analysis and ECM model. I understand you mentioned many times about the deflationary cycle that is coming and actually happening in Europe and reflected in oil prices. From many data, the inflation rate in US and […]

Politically Correct Analysis – The Lack of Freedom to Analyze

COMMENT: Marty; I was at your World Economic Conference in Berlin as was the central bank of ———. When it came to Greece, you stated back then that the projections coming from the computer would only be correct if Greece exited the euro zone. You have made statements nobody in the professional industry are even […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]

Commodity Contagion

Equity markets around the globe have tumbled on Monday, led by commodity-linked shares as oil prices fell to 5-1/2-year lows and investors fled to the safety of government bonds. The so-called “smart money” is running into bonds and this is what we need to complete the bubble in bonds that will burst for BIG BANG. […]

Turkmenistan Devalues its Currency by 18% – Start of the Deflationary Contagion

Turkmenistan, the former Soviet republic, devalued its currency against the US dollar by 18% for the new year. Turkmenistan is energy-rich and this is the latest sign of seriousness of the collapse in oil. This will contribute to now force the dollar higher as commodities decline, the energy producing nations will be compelled to devalue their currencies […]

TIME & Fourth Dimension – Catalyst v Object

QUESTION: Dear Martin: Thanks for all the work, one thing I admire is that you are providing insight in to how the world works by making us think. Honestly, when I read your blog post “Wine industry confirms same trend in Energy” I thought this guy is nuts… then I went back and read your […]

2014 – What a Year

The year 2014 has been a year which has made all our long-term forecasts amazingly on target. The War Cycle pinpointed the sudden and dramatic rise is both civil unrest and the return of the cold war that has been turning red hot. More soldiers died in 2014 than before and the number of civilian […]

Wine Industry Confirms Same Trend in Energy

One industry which reflects the same trend that we see in crude oil, the massive deflationary vortex of economic decline, is none other than the wine industry. The wine industry is also suffering from a major glut and here too wine producing real estate has peaked in France back in 2007 and is not scheduled […]

Cycles & the Flow of TIME

More and more emails are starting to recognize that cycles are all about time. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is one of the most ignored fundamentals that applies even to economics. We see many people in general are unable to grasp the deep meaning of what Einstein truly discovered. This blindness stems from our linear […]