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Did Rights Decline as Governments Grew in Size?

Palace of the Doge Venice QUESTION: In your study of history, would you agree with this quote? “In all of history, no government became more honest, less corrupt, or respected its citizen’s rights more as it grew in size.  ANSWER: I would have to agree. The only exception to that of Genoa, but it was […]

Politically Correct Trading – A Whole New Challenge

QUESTION: Martin.. I have been trading /investing for over 20 plus years. How can one be in the markets and survive if the “biggest  Safest  Banks”  in Canada are failing even today to not only fill a trade or give you a reliable quote but even to even give you an accurate account balance! ANSWER: This […]

Cryptocurrency & the Race for Money

QUESTION: You have talked about bitcoin and are rightly skeptical as we all should be, yet creative destruction rolls on. What insights do you have to share about the Dapps and Ethereum? In reading your blog for several years now you have truly opened many peoples minds. Thank you for your insight! KS ANSWER: If […]

The Hunt for Taxes Brings Down Governments Every Time

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I live in Germany. I wanted to send my father €200 for Christmas. I had to prove where the money came from. It does seem as if there is a major gap between those trading the euro for big banks and the people. I left Romania for freedom. Everything that I fled from […]

Does the Gov’t Seek to keep the public Blind, Deaf, and Dumb?

COMMENT: I watched the Forecaster after ordering the DVD from Amazon. Aside from the fact that it brought tears to my and my wife’s eyes, your forecasts on this year being exceptionally cold, your forecast of Brexit, Trump, the Dow and countless other things, it is not hard to see why the government wanted your […]

The Cycle of Disease – It’s Just our Time

COMMENT: Sir, It’s interesting, since your post on Madagascar and the pneumonic plague, I have Surveilled a site dealing with medical news once a week. What’s really interesting is the resurgence of older well-known entities such as cholera Zambia has been hard hit with over 2000 cases of cholera with close to 50 deaths. The university […]

Did the Migration into Europe Bring New Diseases?

The most devastating plagues in history have been created by migration. There were warnings in the form of rumors that told of a great plague in China and India which killed most of the populations there. The plague made its way to Europe when the Kipchak forces were besieging the Genoese trading post in the Crimea. […]

Euro – Capital Flows or Speculation?

QUESTION: Is the euro really going up on capital inflows or speculation leverage? ANSWER: We are not picking up any real net capital outflows from the USA to Europe. It appears to be speculation on the currency markets in anticipation of higher interest rates coming down the line. But real capital has not begun to move […]

The Precision of Markets is Beyond Belief – But It is Why The Majority is Always Wrong

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not know how anyone cannot recognize what you have discovered. The euro began its breakout precisely on your target of the ECM on November 24 last year. You have proven beyond a doubt that there is a hidden order to everything if we care to just look. My hat is […]

2017 World Economic Conference

Watch our 2017 World Economic Conference held in Orlando, FL on November 3-4, 2017. Moderated by Michael Campbell of "Money Talks Radio" hosting an Q&A session at the end of both days. Martin Armstrong discusses economic turning points in 2017 and forecasts for 2018.