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Is the Dollar Really a Petrodollar anymore?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you so much for shedding light on what can only be deranged forecasts on the dollar and gold and never change regardless of how much money they lose people year after year. I received this email with the headline How Much Longer Can the Petrodollar Survive? They claim that […]

Market Talk- November 16, 2017

  Interesting that the Yen saw only minimal inbound traffic on Wednesday’s equity sell-off and today is still little changed with a stock rally! Admittedly, volumes are a shadow of what they used to be some years back, but just demonstrates how the game has changed. There is still plenty of money sitting on the […]

Market Talk – November 9th, 2017

Finally we saw a little profit-taking in the Nikkei today, after having touched 26 year highs in earlier trade. The sell-off was not so much but felt more after spending the majority of the day in positive territory. The Yen moved stronger but that was later in the trading day after news of possible delays to 2019 […]

Iran & War

Iran has a very rich history that lends itself to tremendous insight into the long-term future of the Middle East. It was Cyrus the Great who conquered Lydia which was the birthplace of money issued by the state. The Persians adopted the practice and then continued to produce coins with the same design as the […]

The Climate is Turning Colder not Warmer & This is Important to Watch This video tends to try to blame future event upon humankind of course. By the historical Ice Age is really the point. Things are turning colder, not warmer. It is only relevant from the standpoint of the last ice age and how quickly to came about.

Market Talk for November 1st, 2017

We opened the first day of the month with a strong Asian session with indices up nearly 2%. In Japan, the Nikkei added 1.85% with a weaker Yen, associated energy stock comfort and helped by a huge earnings expectations from Sony (+11%). The Yen is now comfortably into the 114 handle and will now be talked […]

Market Talk- October 31, 2017

A slow but steady day in Asian equity markets, but happy in the knowledge that the BOJ left almost everything unchanged. The Nikkei closed almost unchanged but has set an impressive two month rally. At above 22k the index closes at a 21 year high, but after the weak opening it took all day to […]

Saudi Arabia in Search of Cash

QUESTION: I read your blog about the Saudi’s potentially selling a large private equity position from China in Aramco rather than accessing the public markets. You have pointed out the need for the Saudi’s to modernize their economy to be less dependent on oil income and to monetize that resource for capital improvements/diversification, but how […]

Market Talk- October 24, 2017

  Having just seen an uncertain US session, Asia was a little confused which way to take markets from the opening bell. Still, it appears as though Shanghai and Hang Seng want to cancel each other out which a very much mixed session. The Nikkei had another strong day resulting in 16 days of consecutive […]

The Six Groups of Investors and Traders

​ The recent report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), shows that the professional investors have continued to bet on falling Dow Jones “short” as private investors are starting to bet heavily on rising prices ( “Long”). Professional investors remain suspicious of a further rise in the US stock market. The private investors’ view is exactly the opposite. The question is; Who will be right? There have been plenty of […]