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Definition of Free Trade = Gov’t is Free to Change the Definition to Freely Get Revenue

COMMENT: I live in Alberta, Canada and for years as a sign maker I had to order materials from the United States. I can assure you that the problems you mention are no different than the problems we encounter when buying American products: tariffs; customs duties etc. and as well paying in $US which really hikes our prices. We also sold promotional […]

Crash & Burn & the Sixth Wave

QUESTION: Martin, as all members do, I really do thank you and appreciate you for your knowledge and insight. I am a business owner – Real Water and do approximately $10 million in annual sales right now. As a concerned citizen, I have also run for political office and was elected to the Nevada State Assembly […]

Malaysia Looking to file Lawsuit Against Goldman Sachs?

May was an important turning point in Southeast Asia. The corruption that has engulfed the previous Malaysian government centered around a sovereign wealth fund involving Goldman Sachs has rocked the entire Malaysian peninsula. The national debt, which was believed to have been $170 billion, appears to be more like $250 billion of 80% if the national […]

Market Talk- June 12, 2018

Obviously, the headline topic throughout Asian and European trading hours was the Singapore meeting between US President Trump and N. Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Interesting the markets were reasonably quiet during the process and even during the hour long Trump press conference. An historic day for sure as just to meet and talk has taken […]

Market Talk- June 11, 2018

We saw an interesting response after the weekends G7 meeting. Despite many negative headlines and a nervous stock opening we eventually saw confidence return and prices built momentum. The Nikkei bounced from a negative opening and rallied throughout the day to eventually close +0.5% higher on the day. Exporters, Technology and Financials all helped gains […]

Are Politicans Doomed?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You are writing: “Donald Trump is the symptom, not the cause” He is a unique personality. I am a structural engineer and work with micro Trumps. Maybe such people choose the profession as building contractors. The similarities are stunning. To get Donald Trump, you must have one. We here in Germany don´t have such […]

Clinton Says He Would Not Be Elected Today

  Bill Clinton came out with a shot against Trump saying he would not be elected today BECAUSE he does not like insulting people as Trump does. It seems to me that the press is all over Trump for having sex with a porn star years ago, which was obviously consensual. The press seems to […]

How Can There be Thousands of Cryptocurrencies?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are these people so desperate to argue that cryptocurrency will change the world, I have heard the same pitch behind gold and I suspect most are just goldbugs who gave up and moved to cryptocurrencies. The same arguments of fiat and central banks are at the base of this as well. […]

Market Talk- June 6, 2018

Asia has been significant in that even as Trade Talks loom overhead the sentiment could not help but push prices ahead. Although the Nikkei opened lower, it spent the rest of the day rallying as the currency declined. Registering a end of day gain of +0.4%, whilst the Yen lost -0.4% to close with a […]

Making Sense of The Federal Reserve

  I was giving a lecture in Toronto to our institutional clients years ago and the central bank of Canada came with ten people. It was an interesting session because the audience began to ask me questions about what the central banks were looking at to make their decisions. I would answer and then the […]