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The Coming Forced Loans

In Germany the people are starting to notice that government pensions are growing far more rapidly than those in the private sector. We have to realize that about 50% of all taxes in Detroit went to pensions. This same economic model destroyed Rome. This is what we face, yet we cannot prevent the crash and […]

Coming Volatility

QUESTION: If war in the Middle East prostpones the Sovereign Debt Crisis into 2020, will the eonomic decline after the peak of the ECM in 2015 be milder decline in stocks and other private assets? Kind  regards j.k ANSWER: The postponement can be largely a suspension as was the case during World War II. However, these types of […]

NSA Bugged even the UN – War & Commodities

The NSA even bugged the United Nations in addition to the European Parliament. I suppose al qaeda had infiltrated the UN headquarters and they probably must be listing themselves and the careers on Facebook. And now we must go to war. If the China gassed people, would we invade China? We are the bully in the […]

Capital Flows – The 4.3 Year Directional Change & Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: I have been following your articles but I am confused by your latest few articles. Previously you were mentioning that there will be a flight to quality as US has the largest debt market in the world. You also mentioned that this flight of quality will worsen the debt crisis in US into 2015.75. However, […]

Gold & War

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for your active blog…I feel that l am learning a lot but questions appear to be arriving as quick as answers! It seems to me that in order for gold to shine, capital must concentrate on the commodity. This, you have stated, will likely come after the Dow sees a phase transition – the […]

Real Estate

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned before that real estate will decline from 2015.75 and will continue for over 10 years.  Do you still feel that way and why? Thanks,”   1933 Virginia Land Foreclosure Auction ANSWER: Real Estate is a strikingly different animal. The 30-year mortgage was created by FDR to try to restore the value […]

Is there War in the Air?

Inside sources are confirming the rebels staged the attack in Syria 2 days after the UN team got there and it was within 10 minutes of where they were. This is becoming a religious war and the overthrow of Syria is likely to create another Iran, not a land of democracy where everyone lives happily […]

No SIngle Investment will Ever be Perpetual – It all changes

QUESTION: You compare gold and the Dow in 1980 and today. Are you saying stocks are better or are you referring to the difference in timing? ANSWER: There are cyclical periods for each and every aspect of investment. I talk about the gold promoters because they mislead people and tell them only gold will survive. […]

NSA – Been There – Done That Before

QUESTION: The revelations of the NSA ever since your 224 year cycle turned are amazing. Is there precedent for this before in modern history? ANSWER: History repeats because human nature never changes. After World War I there were the notorious “Palmer Raids” where the government created the great Red Scare.  The U.S. Attorney general 1919 to […]

Free Press Is Gone – Long Live the New Iron Curtain – Thank you Feinstein

The ramifications of what has unfolded ever since the revelations of Snowden has truly reshaped the world. For the past two years, I have been told from people working on Capitol Hill that the NSA was sucking up everything including their emails. Of course, as long as the US government can intimidate the US press, […]