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Prima Noctum (jus primae noctis) (First Night) = Modern Day Marriage License

A few people have asked what is my source for Prima Noctum since Wikipedia claims it is a myth. Sorry, but Wikipedia is seriously wrong in this department for the problem in their research is the classic error in politics – research not the act but the right. They have concluded it must be a […]

Only the Rich Can Afford to Keep Their Homes

Philadelphia prosecutors agreed Thursday to halt efforts to seize the homes of two of the lead plaintiffs in a widely publicized federal suit challenging the city’s use of civil forfeiture laws in drug cases. Philadelphia drops a Civil Asset Forfeiture case to prevent any court from ruling just seizing people’s property is unconstitutional. Phily.COM has […]

Derivatives Market $280 Trillion – Is It Really A Time Bomb?

About 82 percent of the derivatives market in the United States relates to the interest rate derivatives. This reflect the real Debt Bubble that is brewing. Why did the banks need to repeal Dodd-Frank and the Volcker Rule to get taxpayer backing for their losses again? One need not look beyond the oil derivatives. The bank […]

Will they Hang Bankers Again on Wall Street?

What took place in Washington over the past two weeks with the repeal of Dodd Frank and then the effective repeal of the Volcker Rule sounds strikingly familiar to at least three previous periods in American History that led to total disaster. There were of course the Northern “carpetbaggers”, whom many in the South viewed as […]

Russian Ruble Collapses – Conspiracy Or Warning of Things To Come

  The anti-dollar contingent around the world who have preached that since Russia already trades its own currencies independently from the dollar and China has been trying to make the same move, are spinning the blogs claiming this is a “Zionist banker” conspiracy and this proves that all nations are tired of debt making Zionist banking. […]

The Three Bombshells Tucked Inside The Continuing Resolution to Fund the Gov’t

The continuing resolution to fund the gov’t $1.1 trillion, the sum of the entire national debt under President Reagan in 1980, narrowly passed the House late Thursday by a 219-206 vote, with support from 57 Democrats. This was after a much turmoil amid fierce lobbying from the White House and Congressional leaders. That’s right. Obama supported […]

World Share Market Crash

The US market has been hit in sympathy because of the chaos outside. This should be expected. We have warned that China peaked in 2007 and is headed lower. The US is the ONLY game in town and the US economy has been holding up the entire world. But the growth in the USA is […]

Energy – Igniting the Old Texas-New York Arbitrage?

We will be publishing an institutional quality report on Energy. There are large shifts in the energy complex not only due to advanced drilling technologies, but also renewables. When we put out that forecast that oil would rise from $10 to $100 back in 1997, people were shocked. We even had a request to construct a […]

Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure

Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure           Department of Defense Office of General Counsel Standards of Conduct Office Updated October 2014                 Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Disclaimer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Abuse of Position………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Bribery (18 U.S.C. § 201-Type Violations)……………………………………………………………… 11 Compensation for Representational Services from Non-Federal Sources (18 […]

The FORECASTER May Become Available for a Restricted Global Viewing

QUESTION:  Hello Armstrong Economics, Is there any way to purchase the movie The Forecaster directly? I would love to see it and am a follower of Mr. Armstrong, receiving some of his reports that came out while he was still in jail. Is there a pay to watch website that might show it? Thank you, […]