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Is Climate Change a Tool to Eliminate Democracy?

COMMENT: Your view on denying climate change is supporting the capitalist model. This shows you have no credibility. OD REPLY: Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced. You are actually correct that I support capitalism and freedom and am against authoritarianism and totalitarian systems. What you fail to […]

60% of Japanese Girls Are Not Dating & Are Younger Girls Looking for Older Men a Return of the Cycle?

Culture is changing and much seems to be reverting back to the way it was before Socialism. Before the 1930s, there was typically a large age difference between couples. The boy had to become a man and then approach the father to ask for his daughter’s hand. He would have to demonstrate that he was […]

Greenhouses Gases Are a Product of Civilization for Thousands of Years

QUESTION: Do you believe we are going into an ice age? ANSWER: No. At best we return to a mini-ice age and stop there hopefully. There are those who argue that a decline in solar activity, which they cannot deny, will not be enough to offset the human created Global Warming. There are so many […]

The Blizzard of 1899

Snowball Fight on Steps of Capital of Florida A lot of people are claiming that the extreme cold is part of Global Warming and human-induced climate change. Well, all we need do is look to the Blizzard of 1899. That is the record cold where it snowed also all the way into the capital of Florida, […]

The Euro on Yearly Models – Let the Crazy Times Roll

QUESTION: Reviewing the private blog, at the end of 2016 on December 31 you wrote “When it comes to the Euro, the Major Yearly Bearish Reversal lies at 10365 and the intraday low for 2016 was 10352 closing the year at 10513. This too warns that we may not be ready to meltdown just yet.” […]

The Rush to the Euro with QE Ending?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have been calling for the dollar to decline against the Euro and it should test the 125 level. Do you see the dollar continuing to decline which then breaks the back of Europe with deflation and then everything flips? WK ANSWER: Last year was an outside reversal to the upside meaning […]

Just How Fast Can Things Freeze?

When the weather goes against Global Warming, they flip it into volatility and claim cold is now the byproduct of Global Warming. Al Gore’s environmental group, Penn State University climate scientist Michael Mann wrote, “the unusual weather we’re seeing this winter is in no way evidence against climate change,” it’s “an example of precisely the […]

Iran Economic Decline = Rise in Protests

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The economy is in a poor state at best because the government just does not know how to manage the state and this proxy war with Saudi Arabia is draining everything here in Iran. What is your view on the economy going forward? REPLY: The lifting of economic sanctions under the 2015 nuclear deal […]

Are Police Acting Like Thugs Because Judges Refuse to Defend the Constitution?

Teacher Deyshia Hargrave was questioning the school board how they can vote to give the superintendent a raise when school employees have not gotten a raise in years. A policeman from the parish Marshal’s Office told her to leave the room. He shut down her freedom of speech to even ask a question in a […]

Judge Throws Out Gov’t Case Against Bundy

The pressure has to be so great in this land to ever obtain any justice. In the case of the rancher, Bundy, the government has been on a crusade to imprison him if not outright murder him to uphold their supreme authority to ignore the Constitution. A U.S. Federal District Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed all charges […]