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Market Talk- October 20th, 2017

The opening conversation in Asia was that of the impressive bounce the US markets had attained by close of business. Many Asian traders had left their desks Thursday with the DOW futures down over 130 points with fears spreading that we could see a repeat of the October ‘87 crash. As a result of the […]

Taxes the Lynch-Pin of Civilization

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I find it disheartening the more I try to advance my family to build a better future for them, the more I realize that the harder I work we do not really get ahead. I agree that taxes just keep moving higher and I am now looking for a job in my […]

Why is Congress at 31% & Trump at 41% Approval in the Polls?

A root cause for Congressional ineffectiveness will be found in the simple fact that the exercise of good governmental judgment cannot possibly compete with re-election pressures. This is why term limits are ABSOLUTELY  MANDATORY if we ever hope to have a reasonable government. There is a substantial conflict between good government and corrupt ineffective government. Congress […]

It Takes Opposites

QUESTION: If hoarding and the flow into private equity is the way out of government debt obligations, does this point to an eventual rise on the low volumes of trading and will it reach historical volume levels again? I am guessing no. Though it has only been a few short years that I found you, it […]

Market Talk- October 6th, 2017

The end of a holiday week for markets in Asia. We have to wait until Monday to see mainland China, South Korea and Hong Kong’s reaction to the US NFP’s release and also the reaction to the turn of the US Dollar Index. Markets that were opened were seeing futures initial response trading firmer as […]

Central Banks at Risk of Default?

Central banks do not play games with the markets but it sure feels like we are being played by someone! Earlier this year the Bank of Japan, Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank all had similar balance sheets at around $4.5 trillion.  As we know, over the past ten years all three have risen from lower levels but have […]

Will China take over US as the top Superpower

QUESTION: I read a credible theory recently about China taking over US as the top superpower via economic pressures. Namely by replacing the US dollar with the Yuan as the standard currency for international trade. This shift is (supposedly) being enacted through 1) increased control over Developing countries through international lending from the New Development […]

Spain Reveals EU Does Not Stand For Human Rights & Making Revolution Inevitable

The Spanish state police violence have turned against the people showing that they are clearly still a fascist reign supported by troops. Riot officers have been firing rubber bullets at crowds protesting in a Barcelona street, sending people running for cover. Countless are injured. This demonstrates that Spain is not a place for investment and one […]

The Pension Crisis Coming to a Boil

The BBC has come out and reported that three million savers in Britain in what is known as final-salary pension schemes only have a 50/50 chance of receiving the payouts they were promised, a study has concluded. We issued a special report on the rising Pension Crisis and it has been unfolding on schedule. The […]

The Coming One World Currency

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I sure would appreciate any thoughts you have on rumors making the rounds that the International Monetary Fund has tipped its hand, in part via its June 2017 “Fintech and Financial Services: Initial Considerations” IMF Discussion Note, and intends to replace the US Dollar as the global reserve currency as early as […]