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Oil & Pegs

QUESTION: First question: Disappointed I have not heard an opinion concerning OPEC’s continuation of reducing oil out put. Can the US shale drillers fill the void and or can the Canadian and Mexican producers ramp up any shortfall into the US Second Question: What is your opinion on the Chinese Yuan being pegged to the […]

Market Talk – May 29th, 2017

Many markets were closed today and so volumes are traditionally low. Another test missile over the weekend rattled markets initially but the lack of follow-through soon saw nerves settle. The Nikkei finished more-or-less flat with the JPY safe-haven bid failed to materialize. the currency continues to play around the mid-111’s but has plenty of data […]

Shari’ah Standard on Gold to Replace the Dollar? Really?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read where some people are claiming this “Shari’ah Standard on Gold” will become the new “reserve currency” and this seems really just nuts. I understand there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, but they seem to forget that this is once again wild speculation. Any thoughts? OP ANSWER: No. This […]

Market Talk – May 25th, 2017

Core Asia opened on a positive note following constructive observations from the FED minutes, the addition of apparent OPEC commitments and the lack of market reaction following Moody’s downgrade of China sovereign. Ahead of the long weekend scheduled in the US, the enthusiasm to invest appears positive even as we chase market sentiment. Have we […]

Market Talk – May 24th, 2017

Core Asian markets closed mostly lower after early gains were reversed. Volumes were thin in todays session as G7, OPEC and discussions around the Federal Reserves next move on rates. Oil drifted lower in Asia as President Trump completed his trip and was about to fly to meet the Pope. Thursday OPEC meeting is expecting cuts […]

Flammable Ice

  The big story in Asia has been that China made a major breakthrough being able to extract gas from what people call “Flammable Ice” located under the South China Sea. This has been at the core of China’s insistence on controlling the area.This is an important future global energy supply and not merely a territorial […]

Market Talk – May 22nd, 2017

The solid close to US trading on Friday fortunately had more influence than the concerns surrounding the weekend missile test completed by North Korea. The safety bid appeared to be lost in early trade as we watched the JPY lose ground first thing trading 111.60. Despite the marginal performance of the yen the Nikkei joined […]

Gold & the False Move

QUESTION: Dear Marty, could the current ongoing deleveraging in China cause Gold and Silver to fall beneath 1000$ (Silver under ?) or is this currently no big deal what`s going on in China? Keep up the good work! Best regards, B ANSWER: There are so many fundamentals out there is hard to predict which one causes […]

Market Talk- May 16th, 2017

Asian markets performed on the back of a strong US session which in turn was helped by the oil price rally. Having heard that Russia and Saudi had planned production cuts that could run into Q1 2018 we saw renewed confidence as investors moved away from the USD and into Euro, GBP and JPY. The […]

Macron & His Socilist Agenda

Macron’s funding reveals that elite Socialists were really behind him changing the label to sell a centrist agenda, but in reality, to maintain their agenda. Macron was able to raise funds from French abroad with the promises of change, and this targeted particularly the French who fled Hollande living in London and New York. He did a […]